OK Go - White Knuckles (Dir. Trish Sie and OK Go)

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absolutely fantastic.
everyone looks completely tired and monitor dependent. i wonder what take this is.
animals allways works. Music still sucks. Typical OK Go Video. And thats okay. I don't want to be a hater. I don't care much about the band and the videos. Its okay.
The 'gimme five' at 2:30 makes the video.
If anyone here has worked with animals before, you'll know that the level of difficulty here is UNBELIEVABLE.
And do we really need to have a "I don't care much for the band or their music" comment every time an OkGo video gets posted here? Why is that necessary? Really, I want to know.
it completely baffles me how this band can consecutively make videos that are better than 95% of all "professionally" made videos today and yesterday. yeah they're no real cinematic qualities, it is just gimmicks that are carried out, but in terms of stuff for internet age that is catchy, viral, etc. these guys are ahead of us in that game. my hats off to their creativity and gumption.
plore, to be clear, these are definitely "professionally made" too.
And I think OkGo are in a unique position. As a band, they've carved a niche with these kind of videos. Their audience expects/demands it.
Most other bands wouldn't be as well served by these gimmick videos. Their audiences demand other things from them visually (Does Nicki Minaj need a video like this? 30 Seconds to Mars? The XX?). What makes these videos so great is how well they tie in with OkGo's brand. Lots of other bands could try these ideas but it wouldn't feel right.
i wont bother to watch this
The goat at 2:50 LOL
technically difficult, this wasn't as visually stimulating as their other videos, plus the gimmick > performance = distracting
Making Of (text): talentedanimals.com . "By the end, we had filmed for three and a half days and 124 takes" . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@budget... seriously, somehow they keep upping the ante difficulty-wise and still making amusing, often amazing, videos. I wouldn't put this in the same league as the Rube Goldberg video, but it's pretty fucking good. Let's stop and reflect how this band can manage to make videos so memorable that they can easily be referred to as "the treadmill video" or the "Rube Goldberg video" or now the "dog video." Pretty amazing for a band to be able to get that kind of recognition of out music videos these days.
Nice. :)
anyone who has ever tried to direct anything knows how this is an amazing performance.