Alex & Liane INTERVIEW on samesame

"It’s usually industry people who give useless critiques – and they should know better because they know what a struggle the process can be".
Many people don't know that here. If they did, it would be a different language.
(Called constructive)
by industry people do they mean middle management marketing geniuses? or blog commenters?
Good interview, it's refreshing to hear that not all music video directors are self obsessed arrogant twits.
Pancho: I believe they mean everyone in the industry, even other directors and especially a lot of the people who comment on this site.
Imagine if everyone took the comments on here seriously?... I'd say there would be a lot more music video directors slitting their wrists or turning to drugs and prostitution.
anyone got a photo of them? I've always wondered what they look like...
Still think they're among the best/most consistent directors out there.