Triángulo de Amor Bizarro "De la Monarquía a la Criptocracia" dir. Luis Cerveró of CANADA

Of "Bombay" fame, newly signed to Partizan
antville talent scouting, believe it or else.
Are the argento / giallo references a play on the fact that they are from Spain and not Italy? Or is it a play on the coolness of indie mysticism image references from last year.
Is the entire idea of this video meant to be a shitty satire on whats acceptable in the indie fashion scene or is it meant to be just cool? I cant tell which.
I mean the El Guincho video was great but I keep coming back to the fact that they actually copied Schofeilds 'Heaven Can Wait' treatment to the letter which was posted on this site as well as schofields site. They even went as far as to take the idea that Schofield got into a little strife for copying a particular photographers work and went ahead to actually copy a whole bunch of quite well known artists and photographers work.
I'm a little confused.
This is fucking awful. Partizan has been churning out alot of shit lately.