Chase & Status 'Blind Faith' (Director: Daniel Wolfe)

Daniel's latest video for Chase & Status.
Produced by Tim Francis, shot by Lol Crawley and edited by Dom Leung.
smiles all round . class act
i need details... this was too authentic... the art direction styling and casting we're phenomenal as well as the 90's video tape look the whole thing knocked me off my seat... really smart and refreshing. not contrived like every other video to attempt this kind of treatment. the camaraderie between the people was so real. soulful ending too
nicely done. dan's the man.
updated link good 1!!
funny how dated it looks, almost like a period piece raves in the fields, yeah
Does anyone have a link to his short film?
youtube search:
I'm on a roll today. Thanks.
the short film was made before this? i didn't like it one bit, in fact it was almost horrible. daniel wolfe is still legit in my books but that film was whack. bad acting and casting and writing. no sense of telling a story through a lens.
I enjoyed it, but this isn't the whole film - anyone got the end?
The short film was called '93 til Infinity' and was made 6 years ago, it was Daniel's first ever shot at directing anything. That youtube clip is just a few scenes from the middle of the film, it's missing the entire beginning and end. In its entirety the short is over 20 mins long. As far as I know the whole film is not on t'interweb.
whatever, this song's a banger!
kayser thinks she does have the end, also the beginning and possibly even a link. Stay tuned.
am curious too
So kayser found the link and decided to wrap it in a little riddle. A fairly simple one, she'd like to add. Just make sure not to be way off beam. The riddle goes like this: A man goes to work every day at a tall office building. He takes the elevator to the 23rd floor... Well, actually, it doesn't, it goes like this: hmjPQFnDdT She kindly asks you not to post the solution.
actually, what the man prefers (for reals) / is to go fishing in the stream (it's where he hauls in the bigger ones) / he prefers fishing there at night, between ten to seven and five forty-two (and six seconds) / he loads down / his 1 catch / and tags it with its archive id / noticing he's fivehundredsixteen thousand fourhundred and ninetytwo short of 18 million /
it's no big mystery, though: these are just pagan rites...
kayser is a lady? i'll be darned.
kayser, heres the link u asked us not to post here:
kids, enjoy the pagan hmjPQFnDdT shit
thanks legion. the riddles threw me off and now i don't want to see it anyway…
Thanks Kayser, That was really kind of you. I shall look forward to watching it when I get home tonight.