Antville Awards 2010

The Winners!
After much debating, nominating, voting, stuffing, etc. here are the true magnificient winners of the Antville Music Video Awards 2010:
Most Fun Video

Best Animated Video

Best Performance Video

Best Narrative Video

Best Mainstream Hip Hop Video


Best Choreography

Best Art Direction

Best Editing

Best Cinematography

Best Commissioning Artist
Best Unknown/Unsigned Director
Katarzyna Kijek & Przemysław Adamski
Best New Director
Best Director
Video of the Year

Thanks everyone for participating! See you again next year.
as always: let the quabbles commence! be that as it may - well done, awards brigade of 2010!
Seems good, thanks 'awards brigade'. My only quibble would be the Danakil 'Milk Teeth' as best narrative video? Hardly at all good narrative in my books and especially not when it's up against the spike jonze 'Suburbs' vid or the romain gavras 'Born Free' vid. Also as pointed out that posting by Wanda about his nomination is not cool. Maybe there is something fishy about this one?
Also Chase & Status "Blind Faith" got a lot of votes during the LAST HOUR of voting. I guess it's up to antvillers to come up with measures to avoid situations like these in the future. Or not. It wouldn't be The Antville Awards without the controversy ;)
yeah that Danakil video was a total surge after the Wanda posting. Before, it was neck and neck between The Suburbs and Born Free.
Look at the comments on the antville page - pretty split.
And David Wilson, as much as I like his stuff; he totally won because he got a dozen or so of his pals/fans to fill up the vote.
But it's not a bad video so maybe all's well.
@brigs yeah look at that.
Best Art Directon - 152 votes.
Video of the Year - 125 votes.
Looks like there's a lot of people out there that love voting for art direction.
I wish there was a way to figure out how many new antville accounts were created in the last few days.
For me "Born Free" and Romain are the big winners, and in my mind they also won Best Narrative, despite what the results show.
Great year, Gavras, Sam Brown, Danakil, Megaforce, Nicolas Mendez, my favs are there. ...And it looks really nice, thanks a lot for keeping it alive.
Out of curiosity, did any women vote for El Guincho? Or was that a male gaze thing?
Too bad Kylie didn't make it in, since that video had the only new technical gimmick I can think of this year.
Best Art Directon - 152 votes.
Video of the Year - 125 votes.
?? WTF.
There's obviously some problems here.
I think both the Best Art Direction and Best Narrative winners should be made an example of. They should be disqualified as there is some clear evidence of foul play. It also seems clear that they are not the best videos in those categories as voted by antville up to 24hours before the polls closed.
It would be sad if the Antville awards became as pointless as something like the MTV awards.
Who wants to vote on the disqualification rule?
Nice one Brigs.
Is it possible to allow voting only those who were registered before, say, the 30th of November?
@najork: I did. And really loved it.
From Trish Sie:
Thank you Antville! Thank you! You antsy-pantsy people are like a sweet candycane of joy in my mouth. Cheers! Trish Sie
Awesome run down as usual dudes. Thanks for setting that up. :) For those looking for a more comprehensive list, the monthly Best Of's are where it's at. Choosing a #1 video of the year in an age of such diversity and quality, is an exercise in futility.
Awe!U lot kill me...:) I'd a voted Gavras' "Born Free" Had I been around
Its the only one I wouldn't need to re-watch to remember the plot
Btw Info on past awards is available here.
thank god i aint cast my vote poor selection, except best hip hop videos. as for most fun video, die antwoord zef side all the way, how come it didnt win
Hey !
The editor from MIA is not Romain Gavras, but Walter Mauriot. Thanks for him !
Cheers mates
El Nino
I didn't vote, but overall it's hard to argue with the results.