Hercules & Love Affair "My House" (Dir: Price James)

finally, someone put the commercials to good use; ive been waiting to see this in a video, bravo
other than this, i dont like it when it gets too inspired by the early mtv shows, commercial breaks included
Is this a bootleg? fucking brilliant.
Someone did it authentically, it looks and feels like a circa 90' video without irony. Commercials agreed with Legion they did it right.
Anyone know credits? it's very mysterious. Can't find anything online.
Vimeo link said "This is a private video Sorry, you do not have permission to watch this private video."
Skipped through the first half after I realised what it was and then couldn't be bothered watching the last half.
What's the point of making or watching this?
I got bored before I got to those commercials. Some nice shots but I would rather watch TV Carnage.
Apparently a pulse isn't in store with finding this boring. I thought it was fun, and tried to recapture a bygone era, we need more videos that commit rather than try to "blah" us with how cool they think they are. I disagree with Cap and Moses this is fun.
What? This video doesn't think it's cool? I think that's all this video is relying on. 'Remember the 90's, that was cool, also the 80's and 70's they were cool too'. Maybe we should all spend our time recapturing and poking a stick at a bygone era... that will be interesting wont it, actually it would be hilarious as seen in the above video.
Song is bad, video is P.U.
I can watch throwback videos any time.
Ha, thanks for those links kevathens! I'm gonna have to share them.
@Kranskian I understand your point. Maybe we should poke a stick at current trends, because coolness is a bygone era. I'll take this. I think the art direction, costumes, camera and video effects are legitimate. It suits the song.
It's a little sloppy and that's part of the charm.
Whats the point when the originals are so much better?
Its only worth doing it if it tries to do something different or more interesting - or takes it to another level, like :
Every video ever made has a frame of reference guys. We hope you enjoy. Here are the credits:
Hercules & The Love Affair “My House” Director: Price James Production Company: Greencard NY Producer: Brad Payne Executive Producer: Max Knies Production Manager: Brett Lautenbach DP: Adam Newport-Berra Editor: Alanedit B-Camera: Brian Gonzalez 1st AD: Mark Vashro Production Designer: Thu Tran Art Director: Ada Smith Stylist: Jason Farrer Stylist Assistant: Shakir Najieb Make Up Artist: Jordan Long Make up artist assistant: Bridget Ritzinger
Also on Vimeo
Theres a fine line between referencing and recycling.
We're not hiding it. We're embracing it. Steve Jobs. A sense of humor.
i still think its a nice video, the commercials alone make it worthwile