Lady GaGa - Born This Way (Dir. Nick Knight)
I really wanted to like this because I'm a big Nick Knight fan but I can't, it's all over the place, it's totally unfocused and I could do without the requisite little to no clothes dancing routine
He'll no. Fan of knight and gaga but this is unrealized trash. Bad dancing too. A huge shame. She needs to work with romanek he said he's interested. No more first time wannabes. Step it up gagme
First 2 1/2 minutes are pretty cool. Didn't bother watching the rest.
i hear you, i stopped after she finished firing the machine gun (nice!) and skimmed through the rest;7 minutes its too muchfor my add
Here's a shock: Antville video nerds find conceptual intro interesting, don't like dancing, in new gaga video.
or maybe its got smth to do with the intro vs the track per se, think about it
Or maybe it's a case of a bunch of people critiquing something that wasn't necessarily made for their demographic.
Not saying you can't critique the video, just funny how if the video were made for antville it wouldn't feature most of the things gaga's fans actually watch her videos for (dance moves, styling, etc).
Don't mind the dancing and make-up. But the black background, flat lighting, and uninspired shots are very much a let down from the interestingly diverse intro.
is this the nick from warren and nick? she looks so awkward in the bikini group dance set-up. she has no charisma when she dances
a german link anyone?
budget, me and pancho and motleycrew arent in the same age/ location/ taste range
would u care to shed some light on what u mean by 'our demographic..? because i think ure completely, absolutely, wrong
and btw i like lady gaga
Let's just say, if you post regularly to videos.antville , lady gaga and her record label are probably not making their music videos with you in mind as the target demographic.
Of course not, but antville is the pinnacle of taste, so of course they listen. :)
budget ur subtraction doesnt make too much sense
et me help u out:
by antville demographic u mean a indie lovin niche, prone to say yes to bloc party and no to lady g or any other famous pop star, yes to trick driven lo fi lil vids, and no to scantily clad chicks with dicks frolicking in sync wit the universe
by choosing to be provocative and offbeat in a pop way, lady gaga is interested in audiences such as antville, too; she wants to be alternative, dats why she chooses to work with akerlund and klein and nick knight - they can all play both fields, mainstream and alternative as well; dats why she can afford to wink at cremaster in bad romance - the mtv kids & antvilleans will like it all the same, albeit for different reasons
shes pop, sure, but with a penchant for the bizzaro kinky and the commercially daring etc etc
she aint no madonna, thank god for this, shes bolder, more attuned to the tastes of kids nowadays.
she s a crossover, she aint no rhianna, and the kids on antville can sense that in her
so yeah, i think ure definitely wrong.
Track reminded me of Thunderheist's 'Anthem'.
And besides the 'oh-so-provoking' birthing intro, whole video feels... low-key. The woman has charisma and has shown she can move in other ones. But this one... mh. Maybe we'll have to wait for Vigilant Citizen's dissection on its' symbolism to really get it ;-)
Well, the video was better than I expected, definately fresh, and not just the intro. Also, actual kids' opinions: Poker Face 74,127 likes, 6,945 dislikes Bad Romance 367,688 likes, 78,726 dislikes Alejandro 212,590 likes, 60,057 dislikes Born This Way 44,841 likes, 10,518 dislikes
I wonder if this guy got any royalties:

The beginning reminded me of DUNE.
I dunno; better than I thought it would be (considering the cheesy song); but it looks kind of low budget for a Gaga video. I know those costumes cost money; but a black void tends to make it look less epic than it should.
The very intro w/ the pink triangles reminded me of AlexandLiane. Wouldn't mind seeing them do a Gaga video.
i am not a kid and i like it. mp4
Is that zombie boy? I think that's actually him in the video because Lady Gaga's stylist is nicola formichetti who is now the head of the Thierry Mugler house, and their latest menswear campaign ads all featured this ultra tattooed guy zombie which case he probably got payed a regular wage I presume :)
He was also in Gaga's "Scheiße (remix)" for Thierry Mugler
dir. Mariano Vivanco
Sorry Legion, but Madonna is exactly who she so desperately is trying and wanting to be. I mean this track is an obvious lift of 'Express Yourself'. She brings a whole new meaning to the word WANNABE.
Prejudice aside. Most of the people who know her music believe her message is honest, but the packaging is often not. That's a continental divide.
She's jacked everyone, and Bad Romance aside, Gaga an't seem to make anything her own. Gaga is in a position of power, and does what she wants. Her limitations painfully show in these clips, rather than what made her Bad Romance clip so endearing. I think, she's trying to hard. I like the cinematography and some of the imagery, but all I can see is a miashmash of stuff and the obvious Madonna referencing loses it's integrity. So since aping is the pop way to present anything fresh, let me show an example of a well crafted pop video / song which displays the best of the artist.
See, Madonna called the shots. And she was smart to align herself with people like Fincher. There are so many cooks in the kitchen now, so much product placement and over the top ness that satisfaction is an afterthought, rather than a mandate. No one in Born This Way looks like they're happy to be there, and there is no fun to play with the message. Fans may not care (they'll suck this up) but it's clear: making a good pop song / video that difficult?
So I call her bluff, because there is no honesty despite her considerable chops. Madonna knew her shit, expressed it, and pioneered it. You've got youtube, the internet, and an open checkbook. So of course your music and your videos will be filtered as a construct of what preceded it. It's how pop music stars are made today, fellas.
And that's what I feel is wrong with pop videos today: execution.
The dance scenes are cut in a seemingly disorienting fashion.
The eye has to follow the lead, and it's trendy cutting to every single camera, often in the same span. It disorients the viewer and makes the dancing look weak. She turns? this is only reason to use the overhead angle. The cutting from wide to medium is awkward, you'll have to cut to the same set ups on next beat, and that lacks spatial dimension. I am not saying the editing is poor, I say that spatial distinction is important where the eye should follow, it's the way that it's structured from A to B that could be better done. In the telephone video there is a similar pattern, this has become standard.
When there's so many set ups, it always looks best with the angles that give the most power in that given moment. Choices that enhance these moments often dictate it. I like the work in Bad Romance, those shots cut well. And there wasn't such a rush.
awesome video but just until 2.30
the track sounds like some auto tuned country dance mix version of express yourself. in the video, are they actually writhing in shit? whose idea was that? the illuminati is getting pretty tacky these days.
Yup. Vigilant citizen will be happy to discuss this video. Butterflies, pyramids, the one eye... monarch programming everywhere!!!
where are the product placements?
for the germans here:
i smell a sophomore slump. thank god.