The Living Sisters "How Are You Doing?" dir. Michel Gondry

Creepily scrubbed from the latimes blog Quicktime - - ad-free embed
refreshing :)
good to see the man getting inventive again. bravo
hey, now that's what I call a Gondry video.
Interesting Pop-Up Video fact, Inara, the pregnant one, plays the female puppet in this Greyboy Allstars music video.
wassssssssssssup is dis a budweiser spoof? i dont like it at all
best thing gondry has done lately is his awesome exhibit at the Centre Pompidou in Paris - its a kind of interactive filmmaking exhibit with a dozen gondry style movie sets, some cameras, etc.. all arranged for people to just go ahead and make movies right there. Sort of an extension of his Sueding concept.
this video's just ok - gets better from around 02:00 with the earthquake but overall not great. can't get past the singing into the phone which is just too campy for me. not helped by a pretty bad track.
Oh come on this is great fun!
Any video that opens with a dog licking up amniotic fluid is a surefire winner!
I thought this was spot on and touching.
I enjoyed it. :)
trust the 'ville to gripe on this. (joli good fun, michel!)
I can't watch without imagining what this would look like with an Army of Me sized budget.