Them Jeans "Balloons" directed by Walter Robot

What a night out, fuck yeah!!!
what did i just watch? lol
best music video i've seen a while!!! link
"the girl who gets killed, that was real." nice
WTF OMG describes it pretty well. Who did the edit?
How is this a "satire?" I didn't see anything satirical about it.
@rza your mom.
seriously dig the pace of the edit.
it's also great to see a video that builds in intensity.
this gets crazier & tripier as it doesn't give away all its tricks at the beginning.
I want to see what happens w/ that crazy hooligan next weekend...
It's like if the Marquis De Sade took a handful of Ambien and scribbled out a short story as his mistress whipped him with a salted eel.
Cool video, but really, coulda done without the rape.
Panoption: my feelings exactly about the rape, made me hate the whole video, which is a shame as the disabled disco idea had some potential, but the rape made the whole exercise seem like a childish joke.
@gregsinora I think if the fun and games didn't descend to that level of rape/murder then the whole video would've stayed just fun and games. more of a childish joke in that sense.
rza, we'll have to agree to disagree as I don't agree
Same actor?
for sure
@rgallagher Thanks for digging up those links. Yes is same actor, he's my brother Dennis.