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Rome (ft. Norah Jones) "3 Dreams of Black" dir. Chris Milk

antdude, May 13, 2011 at 7:13:01 AM CEST

Bah -- "We are sorry, but it appears that your browser does not support WebGL. “3 Dreams of Black” is an experiment that was designed with the browser Google Chrome in mind. Please try launching this site again on a computer with up-to-date graphics drivers. Though not the full experience, you can also watch a video trailer, access the rest of the ROME album site, and learn more about WebGL technology."

otc, May 13, 2011 at 7:24:31 AM CEST

Just install Chrome, it takes about 10 minutes and it's worth it.

saddy, May 14, 2011 at 12:23:12 AM CEST

I have Chrome and I can't play it, next.

pancho, May 14, 2011 at 2:09:08 AM CEST

tried on chrome, and its not working.. don't have correct graphics card it says.

budget, May 14, 2011 at 4:22:49 AM CEST

wish chris milk would stop making angry birds: the movie and go back to making great music videos.

otc, May 14, 2011 at 5:22:58 AM CEST

Cmon, are you guys really having that much trouble with it?

Video driver issues aside this is a pretty impressive technical achievement considering that it's a purely in-browser video engine. Also I think it's a great success on a purely aesthetic level; it's beautiful to look at and it creates its own world. I have to admit I don't find this entirely satisfying as a music video experience, it's a cool tech demo that I might look at once or twice but it doesn't engage me on a visceral level. I think it's a fair question to ask whether music videos should be interactive, I've still yet to see a video where the interactivity rises above the level of gimmick and engages the viewer emotionally (sorry, looking at a google maps view of my childhood house didn't do it for me either although it was a nice thought).

Still I'm surprised that people are blowing this off so casually, it's one of the more interesting pieces of work I've seen in a while.

saddy, May 14, 2011 at 7:27:23 AM CEST

It's a music video. I'm not going out and buying a new graphics card to watch a music video.

captainhairy, May 14, 2011 at 8:40:14 PM CEST

@ budget: is that for reals or a joke - Milk doing angry birds the movie? has to be a joke?

uglykittens, May 14, 2011 at 10:53:45 PM CEST

this is pretty legit. The creation involved on the users half and the final scene controlling the flock of birds is fantastic.

It's not directly promoting the music or the artists. But going through an experience with them as the score is lovely.

wish all "experimental" videos were as successful as this.

antdude, May 15, 2011 at 8:45:51 AM CEST

Bah to Chrome, video cards, etc. No thanks. Someone please kindly video capture and upload to YouTube or somewhere?

najork, May 15, 2011 at 10:16:26 AM CEST

2 year old mac pro can make a music video, but cannot watch one

pancho, May 19, 2011 at 9:15:04 PM CEST

orpheus, May 19, 2011 at 11:32:21 PM CEST

ignore the messages - actual chrome versions have turned of the web GL for security resons, but u can use firefox instead, successfully tested on 3 different pcs & 2 different macs, all older than 2 years...


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