Beyoncé "Run the World (Girls)" dir. Alan Smithee (was Francis Lawrence) -
This is amazing and so exciting, but I wish he had used the camera in a bigger way (as in Single Ladies and even Crazy In Love) as Beyonce deserves more than static wides. Still - so fun!
Yeah those locked-off wide shots of her were so weird at first. He's truly in feature film-land now (which is good for him), and wants to let shots linger.
But the choreography throughout is so good it's almost scary (shout out to choreographer Jeffrey Page). Overall, the video is carried by her. It isn't directed to death. How the fffk does she move like that? Sweet jesus.
If Laurieann Gibson could stop pretending to be a director and GaGa would stop closing her circle of collaborators around her, she'd have much better videos like this with much better dancing. The BTW and Judas choreography was boring.
this is the year pop videos came back with a vengeance. awesome.
So pathetically horrible and weak. Especially when compared to the Eric Wareheim's version.
u mad?
Super rad. Love the more deliberate cut. The anamorphic frames are great, no need to cut it up too quick. I did notice a car on the freeway in one shot. Right? Couldn't they have painted that out?
top quality
My understanding is the directors credit should be 'Alan Smithee.'
Song can't be worse. The video well executed but booooring.
Seriously? Two rental cars some posters under a freeway and some construction lights... You call that an apocalyptic set? I call it an utter failure. Francis Lawrence clearly didn't give a fuck about this one. If he did he's losing his game. Alan smithee is right.
That song is horrible, oh my God.
It's great to see a pop video that doesn't leave you with a migraine. I enjoyed this, although the song is the lazy rehashed I've heard in a while.
I found it weird at the end how they all salute the men though.
People who think the song is horrible don't realise it's "Pon De Floor" by fucking Major Lazer.
Another horrible song
Sure it is, you prick.
Dude, not sure where you're getting your info but it's Francis Lawrence, see <a">video static.
A live version from last night sports some nice design and interactive animation from Ron Winter and Dirt Empire.
That live performance is dope.
I though I was old and over the hill in the MV game as a shooter - this video was shot by Jeffrey L. Kimball, ASC who's 67! There's still hope, then.
otc - I am guessing that you don't know what Allan Smithee means. Nor what it says on the other end of that VideoStatic link.
I'm familiar with Alan, my favorite story is the time that Tony Kaye switched his credit on American History X to Humpty Dumpty. My comment was in response to a now deleted comment that this was directed by "Mason" someone or other.
alternate version