Justice - Civilization (Edouard Salier)
Justice - Civilization di justice
What? Geoblocked again? c'mon...
Justice - Civilization von justice
Song and video = boring.
mind-bending and spectacular - top notch videomaking
This is shaping up to be MGMT all over again...
looks absolutely beautiful incredible skills it's all a bit cold and academic tho. transport me further.
2nd @budget's thought
Excellent video making. The execution of the vision is great, Edouard Salier is a fresh director. There is no question.
It wasn't entertaining to me. At all. And This is attributed to approach. It's not alike transcendent of the experience the song seems to suggest. It feels a bit like a noisy movie trailer where the result is off putting instead of uplifting. I get it, Buffaloes represent people. Context aside, I argue the Adidas commercial is better use of the song. But I also get the feeling this video is exactly what they wanted to make. They're going global with big themes, major label. Shit's gotta be huge. Animation supplies that.
Knitpick aside, the last video they did was much more entertaining. People are much more interesting than a pack of buffaloes.
Just my thought. How bout doing a mash up to this:
Youtubers, get on it.
David Wojnarowicz