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Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Little Blu House, (Liam Bachler)
, August 13, 2011 at 6:17:57 PM CEST

<a title="مملكة الحب"href="xttp://">مملكه الحب <a title="منتديات"href="xttp://">منتدي <a title="مخزن"href="xttp://">مركز تحميل <a title="دليل دردشات"href="xttp://">دليل شات
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<a title="قنوات فضائية"href="xttp://">قناة تلفزيون بث مباشر
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<a title="بانوراما أون لاين"href="xttp://">Panetبانوراما أون لاين
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<a title="دردشة بنات"href="xttp://">شات بنات
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<a title="دردشة 48 "href="xttp://">شات بنات 48
<a title="زخارف شات"href="xttp://">زخارف دردشة
<a title="دردشة بنات الضفة"href="xttp://">شات بنات الضفه

motleycrew, August 13, 2011 at 7:30:05 PM CEST

^ can someone please delete this asshole?

cool imagery in this video. very 60's

progosk, August 13, 2011 at 7:51:47 PM CEST

x-ed the links & deleted the repeats (keep this for inventory's sake); here's the first arabic spam machine-translated (always interesting what other cultures are into): Kingdom of Love Forum Download Center Chat Guide Chat Web Links Clips clips Msjat Popular cuisine Channel Live TV Dictionary dream interpretation Photoshop Online Lin Translation of all languages Chat Acronyms Panet Panorama Online Al-Ahram Flower Gulf YouTube War of Kings Tervaan gamezer Java Koran Karim Chat Forums Saudi Chat Egypt Chat Chat Girls 48 Decorations chat Similar Forums

kinomu, August 13, 2011 at 9:45:11 PM CEST

The translation is interesting indeed, thanks!

But I think it is better to entirely delete spam postings because when only the links get "x-ed", the spammers might not notice the difference and think their comments stay online unchanged at and come back/continue their work. That's what happens at ...

And most people find spam annoying, x-ed out or not.

discoteer, August 14, 2011 at 7:18:22 AM CEST

beautiful clip

progosk, August 14, 2011 at 7:16:57 PM CEST

hm, kino, i don't think spammers work that way: if they get people clicking through, then the site is worth spamming to, and they can pass the url on to other spammers as a live/useful one - if they get nothing, you drop off the(ir) spamming radar - at least that's my understanding. there've been various automized attempts from the chanel/louboutin spamming crew(s), but that's always petered out. shortsville looks deluged simply because there's actually no other commenting activity going on, so spam's the only stuff that's stuck. but spammers are very automatic/robotical/efficient - i can't think why they would bother to purposely go back to spam a site unless it was somehow worth their while. (if i'm mistaken here, do let me know - i'm working on empirical logic here.) other intersting spam factoid: these arabic guys first signed up as admin-1, then deleted that and went with their own name, which they then left signed up. the louboutin folks always erase their tracks. actually no mean feat/effort, considering...


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