kevathens, January 9, 2012 at 6:00:00 PM CET
Antville Press & Buzz (archive page)
- Toronto Star's John Sakamoto list the 'ville as the "trove of indie videos" amongst music video sites (August 29, 2009):"Click, look, listen at these music video sites".
- NYT's Bits blogette jennydeluxe has three favourite "digital curators" - one's the 'ville (May 15, 2009): "Curating the Best of the Web: Video".
- Charlie Lyne has antville marked as one of "5 Blogs to help you revise" in Platform's comprehensive studying-aid round-up (May 12, 2009): "Guide To Revision".
- Florian @ Netselektor sez antville is a "großartige Sammlung besonderer Musikvideos" (April 7, 2009): "Musikvideos zum Entdecken" (in German).
- Following the Flatpack Festival's invitation, antville makes its debut as music video curator (March 12, 2009): "Antville Video Selecter".
- The 'ville earns a burn from team Megaforce (January 19, 2009):"Eye on '09: Megaforce".
- Chris Milk's acceptance appeal on the 'ville (dubbed a "critical consortium of anything-goes posts on music videos") continues to make some waves (January 10, 2009): "Chris Milk's heartache".
- Kanye thanks antville in his own write (January 10, 2009): "ME & SPIKE WON BEST (SIGH) UURBAAAN (SIGH) VIDEO...".
- Katie's suggestion for keeping up with new releases? The 'ville, natch (January 9, 2009):Where To Find The Best Music Videos On The Web.
- Michael Nadian of notices antville's soul-searching (January 8, 2009): "Chris Milk ~ on the current music video industry".
- the 'ville makes Fimoculous' year's-end list of "Most Notable Blogs" (December 30, 2008) for the third time in a row: "30 Most Notable Blogs of 2008".
- Cristóbal Fredes plays bass for chileans Teleradio Donoso. His fave site of 2008? (December 22, 2008): Los Favoritos 2008 de (in Chilean Spanish).
- For his A-level photography course at Bodmin College, M Henley thought up a music video project, including antville in the set reading (December, 2008): As Photography - Music Video Project.
- Brazilian top blog-dog Alexandre Inagaki was a panelist for newsmag Epoca's selection of the best 80 blogs of '08. He has antville at #2 of his 7 international best (November 17, 2008): "A lista de 80 blogs da revista Época"
- For Broadcast's Andrew Sunnucks, the 'ville's "tough bunch to impress" is (part of) the answer (November 11, 2008): "Music videos: Spreading the word".
- Fast Forward sez antville is into semantics (November 11, 2008): "Future of music videos".
- Andreas Neumann at the University of Erfurt set up a music video course with antville as the prime source of online reference (October 13, 2008): "Musikvideokurs der Uni-Erfurt" (in German).
- Adam Bruneau uses antville as the fundamental resource for his whopping multi-regest (September 30, 2008): "Boring Day Music Video Reviews".
- the legendary jwz depends on antville - among others (September 7, 2008): "mixtape 047".
- In his think tank blog for news agency,'s Jose Luis de Vicente i.d.'s antville as "la comunidad más activa de la Web en torno a la actualidad de los videos musicales" (July 18, 2008): "¿Que fué del videoclip?" (in Spanish).
- Flatpack producer, Supersonic curator and 7 Inch Cinema co-founder Ian Francis holds that for music videos, antville is still "the best place to go on the web" (July 11, 2008): "Supersonic bits and bobs".
- A Hipster Runoff commenter lampoons the site's music video interests, paying the 'ville a (dubious) homage in the process (June 24, 2008): "Monitoring Justice "Stress" Parody Videos".
- Mauricio Aravena reckons antville's a "sitio prestigioso" (April 17, 2008): "El Buen Tiempo: Videoclip de autor" (in Chilean Spanish).
- tomhjn does an in-depth piece on how to post properly on antville - at least i think that's what it's about... (April 11, 2008): "Meghivtak az Antville-re posztolni" (in Hungarian).
- in her Boston Globe article on the bright lo-frills future of music videos, Joan Anderman lists antville as one of the choice places where to watch them (February 17, 2008): "The itty-bitty video".
- Filmmaker Matt Hanson lists antville as the place to showcase inventive music videos in his Guardian article (January 26, 2008): "A new era in video".
- Jonathan Glazier (no, not that director guy) files videos.ant under "interesting" and "zeitgeist" on his Best Blogs Ever site (January 22, 2008): "".
- XL Repubblica's Francesco Lucca deems antville "prestigious" - while also deeming Colonel Blimp swedish - lol! (January 15, 2008): "Videoclip" (in Italian).
- Jeff 'Hypebeast' Hamada's big on antville too (January 8, 2008): "Other blogs I like".
- just a footnote: David Gieselmann thinks antville's the best (January 2, 2008): "Post-MTV" (in German).
- makes Rex's year's-end list of "Best Blogs That You (Maybe) Aren't Reading" (December 20, 2007) for the second time in a row.
- the ville's 2007 christmas gift, the antville500 torrents, tickled various fancies: fimoculous, stereogum, sensibleerection, largeheartedboy, transbuddah, audioporncentral, beatking, pyrolator, GreenCinedaily, Castanets, amongst others (December 19, 2007).
- Create Digital Motion finds that on videos.ant "you are sure to find something cool, fun, different, weird, and never before heard of." (December 2, 2007): "Weekend Inspiration".
- Gaetan of videology deems antville to be "the mother of all music video blogs" in an mvwire interview (November 27, 2007): "Artistic Music Videos Find Safe Haven at".
- fimoculous likes the new videoville. (November 16, 2007)
- in the BBC's new online Filmmaking Guide, antville is listed as "music video wire" (November 2, 2007): "Recommended Watching".
- the Oregon Media Production Association recommends antville to independent filmmakers (October 29, 2007): "Websites That Can Help You Market On the Web".
- german public TV WDR gives Miro the once-over; in the appendix, antville's now been upgraded to videoportal [sic] (September 28, 2007): "Angeklickt: Videos aus dem Web" (in German).
- Ross Mote ref's antville (alongside pitchfork, aurgasm, and obtusity) as his SunDust:Music quality foursome (June 23, 2007):"Quality Content".
- EX7 interviewees Cocoe heart antville (May 6, 2007): "Entrevista a Cocoe" (in Spanish).
- idolator namechecks the 'ville as 'been-there-done-that' in reference to a Billboard trendsnoop (April 24, 2007): "MP4 Blogs: The New Hot Trend, Sort Of".
- with its links to everything "from Scroobius Pip to Emily Haines", antville makes the Guardian's "Internet | The Guide" blogroll (April 7, 2007): "Blog Roll: Watch".
- perhaps oversimplifying the issue a tad, OgMog declares antville the best "out there" (28 Jan 2007): "The Best Music Video Blog".
- the 'ville's worst of 2006 choice gets a double shout from CRBlog and digitmag (January 3 and 5, 2007): "Some of our favourite videos of 2006" - "Not The Worst Music Video Of 2006".
- writing for the Wall Street Journal Online, John Jurgensen ref's antville in his (subscribers-only) piece (23 December 2006): "Online: Videos"; (temporary free link).
- Horst-Christian Weisser's Artona will have you believe antville's a high art gallery (December 6, 2006): "Video Ergo Sum" (in German).
- Rex Sorgatz, compulsive compiler of best-of's over on fimoculous, voices his own opinion about the best blogs of 2006, ranking antville at #17 (December 4, 2006): "Best Blogs of 2006 that You (Maybe) Aren't Reading".
- Swiss radio DRS3, picking up the Spiegel story, lists antville as a higher-quality YouTube alternative (November 29, 2006): "Aktuell Webnews"; listen here (real media, at 27:27, in Swiss-German).
- Felix Knoke, writing for Spiegel-Online gives antville a major shout (November 29, 2006): "Ein Heim für Parasiten" (in German).
- robodrug, recently nominated antville's press-officer-in-residence, scores an unintentional micro-debut over at fleshbot (November 20, 2006): "That Lesbian JPop Clip".
- Gregor gets the word out regarding the planned antville MVAwards '06 over on Machtdose (November 13, 2006): "Music Video Awards 2006" (in German).
- german public TV WDR does a feature on YouTube after its acquisition by Google, and antville gets listed as a main video-platform [sic], alongside GoogleVideo, YouTube and a couple of german YouTube wannabe's (October 13, 2006): "Angeklickt: Youtube" (in German).
- prof. Karin Wehn has antville listed with the required reading for her course on music videos at the Universität Leipzig (October 18, 2006):"Musikvideo: Geschichte, Ästhetik und programmlicher Kontext - Materialien" (in German).
- choice design forum ViewersLikeYou thinks antville's "great" (October 6, 2006): "Music Videos On Antville".
- both antville and videoville get a shout in caro's article on the German site (September 21, 2006): "Das Musikfernsehen ist tot - es lebe das Musikvideo" (in German).
- videoville earns a mention from Sky Noise's Sean Healy on his Edu-Ark-Hive blog for his new gig at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, lecturing on Integrated Media (September 4, 2006): "WIKI Examples - A few links to help broaden what a wiki might be". UPDATE: some of his students have wrapped their heads around this: "VideoVille - Wiki Vs MySpace"
- an item on the "YouTube News" blog points out antville as a must-see source for music videos (August 2006): "Best Music Video Sources".
- director-cum-professor Alvaro Ceppi counts on antville as primary source for the course in music video making that he holds at the Chilean polytechnic DuocUC (as of August 2006): "Taller de Video Clip" (in Spanish).
- Thomas Lau, writing for German daily junge Welt, gives antville a shout as a "minor internet miracle" and "more current than MTV could ever be" (27 July 2006): "Im Bloghaus" (in German).
- UCLA's Design&Media Arts department has antville in the required reading for its Digital Video summer class: Assignment & Links.
- Canada's lists antville in its Hype/Best in Blog section as a "vista" and a "goldmine" (July 2006): "Video Star Or Video Democracy".
- issa, in an entry on the mexican blog "we shall be free, musica en monterrey", recommends antville as one of ten obligatory rss feeds for music lovers (June 2006): "diez rss de musica que un melomano debe tener" (in Spanish).
- Tonie van Ringelestijn includes antville as the must-see in Dutch stylemag Bright's selection of the top 5 online music video sites (June 2006): "Top 5 videoclipsites" (in Dutch).
- Daniel Haaksman, writing for German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, reckons antville's the music video directors' forum of choice (May 2006): "Versende deine Jugend" (in German).
- FunForever haven't got much of a clue, but they do find antville "nice and orange" (April 2006): "Heard a song, would like to find out what a video like?" [sic].
- Factory Films reckons antville's become the [/wiki/images/6/61/Factory_films_11_apr_06.jpg" barometer of all things quality] (April 2006).
- Austrian radio fm4 asks antville's kris about web2.0 and videos (April 2006).
- Phuong-Cac Nguyen gives antville a shout out in RES, Vol. 9 No. 2.
- Experiment 33 gives the 'ville a shout (March 17, 2006). "Cool Music Video Blog".
- Carsten Schneider likes less rain and the 'ville (March 9, 2006): "More music videos".
- Andy Baio (among others) picks the antcast announcement for his Waxy Links in March 2006.
- Dave Lucas of WYJB radio considers antville one of the few good things in that New York Magazine article: "Two and a half blogs to check out".
- Sonja Zjawinski includes antville in New York Magazine's February 20, 2006 The Blog Establishment issue: "Five Blogs to Check Out".
- Cole at College Radio KGBA recommends antville as "Metafilter for music videos", and for (despite?) its "random-ass group of bloggers" (January 29, 2006):"Collaborative MusicVid Blogging".
- 'Jean Poole' (one Sean Healy in Melbourne) mentioned antville on Sky Noise in January 2006: "Viral Video Blogs".
- Derek paid tribute to antville in Good Weather for Air Strikes' January 2006 list of the "Top 65 music videos of 2005“.
- the Guest Blogger wrote about antville on Unbeige in January 2006: "You, Me, and Everyone Else's Ideas".
- Spencer F Katt. mentioned antville in an entry on his Katt-A-Log in October 2005: "There's Gold In Them There Vids".
- Tostadilla mentioned antville in a December 2005 post on 300tons: "Drawn! y Videos.antville".
- Chez of The Lonely Island blogs their thank-you to antville in October 2005: "The Dudes in Entertainment Weekly".
- Ryan Dombal of purpology wrote about antville for Entertainment Weekly in October 2005: print version "Where The Wild Clips Are" / on-line version "Video Ga-Ga".
- some time in September 2005, the Music Video Press singled out (but slightly misrepresented) antville: "Music Video Becomes A Necessity".
- Nikoma misunderstands antville somewhat in a September 2005 piece for BaseBog: "La città delle formiche" (in italian).
- Colin Donald held a conference at Our Social World in September 2005, mentioning antville; Adrian McEwen blogged his notes from the conference: "OSW: Colin Donald - The new media landscape in a world where everyone can be a media producer/distributor".
- Jeff Carter wrote about antville in the Las Vegas Weekly in June 2005: "Teleflubbies".
- Johnny Dee mentioned antville in his piece for the Guardian Unlimited's Guide in May 2005: "Interconnected".
- Colin Donald blogged his thoughts about antville in April 2005: "Elephants vs Ants - The War Over Your Media Use".
- antville makes the selection of music blogs recommended by (take a deep breath) Information Sharing Subcommittee of the Reference and Public Services Committee of the Music Library Association: infoshare(February 2005).
- ZUP[PING]ER posted a selection of video links chosen by an antville user on in February 2005: "Uebermacht Video Selection".
- Nik Mercer dubs the 'ville "the best website for all your music video desires" (January 22, 2005): BiBaBiDi.
- Steve Marchese wrote about antville on Earplug in December 2004: "The Top of the Hill".
- some time in 2004, antville makes it into Kristin Enseling's scholarly thesis on music videos: "Musikvideos in der Kultur" (in German).
- Martin Schultz gave antville an early plug on 1976 Worldwide his "streetwise Blog from Copenhagen" in March 2003: "If you miss watching spaced-out music videos...".
- quaint early entry in Ingrid Strauch's Virtuelle Allgemeinbibliothek in August 2002: "Musik online".
- possibly the first ever mention, among Austrian radio FM4's webtips in August 2002: "August 19th: Video killed the radio star...".
- The 'ville getting twittered: "video+antville".
- Technorati search for "video+antville".
- Alexa traffic data for antville is here
- Feedster is no longer a good place to track current mentions (dead link), nonetheless, antville was #358 among the Feedster 500 in August 2005.