M.I.A. - Bad Girls (dir. Romain Gavras)

killed it
bangin tune from mia, decent effort from gavras (he looks more at ease shooting proper pop vids than 'provocative' stuff), kudos to iconoclast
vid looks very very nice but then again smth very dishonest about it
Loved this video. The mood and style of the visuals easily keep up with the banging music. Romain Gavras' imagery, wether provocative or not, always has a great esthetic value to it. Very kind to the eyes.
holy hell
i still have faith in music videos
that was fun
where was it shot?
great video.
the illest
wow this is by far the best M.I.A. video today. Sorry Megafarts.
vimeo.com link.. ;)
fun, but coulda gone crazier.
really? i appreciated it didnt dip too far into the surreal. in any other hands it would have been cheese ball. and the sound design, i could go on and on... it was shot in morocco, btw.
That was incredible and to think I had all but lost hope in music videos. The cinematography, direction, casting, epic stunts, envelope-pushing theme, and the spot-on editing. Wow. Blows my mind. If nothing else, Gavras has world-building and atmosphere down to a cinematographic science.
Kudos and thank you.
Great. I wish the edit wasn't this quick, the pictures are so interesting it feels like every cut is taking away from me.
Much better than Born Free.
absolutely have been watching this all day
this was shot in arizona? wow, could have fooled me.
think three kings was shot there? maybe some old buildings from that film no?
it was shot in morocco.
this is fuckin ace.
i like it the more i watch it. feels surprisingly fresh, although the edit it sometimes off. she looks beautiful, too.
What i like with Gavras :
- his obsession to depict unusual/uncommon/underexposed faces
- his raw energy
- his parsimoniously humor
Hats off, Monsieur Gavras!
and MIA is at her best, beautiful with effortlessly cool.
»feels surprisingly fresh, although the edit it sometimes off.« no, that edit is so SPOT ON!
yes i agree spot on edit - coulda been so try hard. it has soul...
amazing beyond words on so many levels, brilliant guts & skills :)
Well we know where Romain got the idea from. Not taking anything away from his brilliance. Just interesting to find the source I suppose. Going to be hard to top this vid this year.
Shot and edited to perfection. There's one bad shot. But it don't matter. Props, Romaine Lettuce. I didn't find this quick.
@lashtape, I thought this crazy arab street stunt driving culture was pretty well known.. (maybe I spend too much time on the internet).. It's a solid Gavras video using many of the elements he already explored before, car culture, screaming crowds, etc... It's not a paradigm shifting and mind blowing video, but no one can deny that it's flawlessly executed and has lots of replay value. (switch the soundtrack to jay-z and 99 problems, then u got a classic haha)
arab drifting is quite well known on the internets ( www.youtube.com ) but, in this case, it doesnt take anything away from the mv. it actually shows its well researched
@Alanedit, what shot don't you like. Just curious :)
Anyone know who cut this? Did Gavras do it himself?
Walter Mauriot.
@Kalstark there's a shot towards the end bridge where the perf is a little off, and MIA was obscured by lens flares. It threw me off, otherwise perfect edit. ✓
Let me redress that, impressive stuff.
whilst you was worryin about one single cut www.wired.co.uk
I'm looking forward to seeing this song in a Snackwells commerial: "Live fast, die young, Snackwells do it well."

making of: youtu.be
estimated budget?
part 2?