Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicki Minaj - Give Me All Your Luvin (dir. MegaForce)

madonna s getting too old for this
she looks pulled and stretechd but shes not fooling noone - she IS old and she has nicki minaj and mia cheering and shouting for her? shes the past - no matter how in touch with the latest & freshest filmmakers & music producers she is - these chicks are the now nowadays
aside from this, video seems quite formulaic - sees megaforce revisit their old tricks, some nice looking shots,but definitely not megaforces best - and i love megaforce.
nothing new here, xcept maybe more cash, that makes the video look polished
song is shit
yep it is a shitty song
i'm imagining all those drunk rednecks drinking beer and watching American football getting orgasms over this crap
nope, over 2 million.
M.I.A. is all like "What the hell am I doing?" Nicki is a really good fit. Wish both of their verses had been longer.
All aside - dig the video! There's no way it could be as good as the best Megaforce videos; but this was fun and way more coherent than Jonas&Francois' Madonna vid (if we're going to compare Madonna working with young hip French directors videos).
big day for vids
a hot mess. i thought madonna looked great (?)
Dig it, but MIA and Gavras are the winners here. link...
M.I.L.F.Madonna! (the white lace scene wuz gud.)
I likey this. Congrats.
Megaforce sold their soul. Piece of shit. I realllly used to love them tho.
bad, but better than gaga's last video
agreed with captainmarc22. Great execution!
man, i love this video.