CULTS "You Know What I Mean" (Dir: Isaiah Seret)

Left me frustrated. Feels like it has the elements of a good video.
edit: Scratched.
I was pleasantly surprised. Feels very measured.
Pretty good. Anyone know the DP?
I felt that it started off slow (more musically than visually) but it picked up soon thereafter and I got into it. The video is quite atmospheric and it makes for an unusual but compelling short film / promo. It's very well shot and I can only hope I get to see more in the music video medium by from Isaiah Seret and Matthew Lloyd. I also really enjoyed the atypical way in which the performance was shot. It wasn't anything crazy mind you, just different enough to be a plus.
Always a fan of Isaiah, thought this was really well done.
The song is short and slow / subdued. Trying to do too much would have been a mistake imho. But the subtext is just enough to provide something to chew on, and obviously trumps random meaningless slo-mo junk food. Is the father figure the same actor as the driver in the cults-abducted video?