2 Chainz "Birthday Song" feat Kanye West: Dir. Andreas Nilsson

mind blown. Andreas how you pull dis one off?
^ was about to write the exact same thing...
mind blown.
best hiphop video of the year. hand over fist.

and how is this funny? 'were like snoop and dre' no, ure just two sad clowns
the only thing i liked about this video was the lap dance scene in the yard, due to the thongs on the clothes dryer
kept my attention the whole way thru. it reminds of that guilty feeling i get when i see some nice booty on the street or a car crash.. just can't look away.
I dont understand what is cool about this video, something about Nilsson's portrayals of black culture feels kind of disturbing.
i think dere arent too many black ppl in norway where he comes from and hes forced to rely on stereotypes for inspiration or, hes just a racist prick
This fails miserably.
It's totally missing its intended irony. Cinematography/tracking shots are out of whack. The big booty hoes look terribly distressed. It hurt to watch.
Kind of reminded me of that last backyard-shot David Lynch video.
Kanye looks uncomfortable as fuck.. no wonder he went on to praise this video so much:
Lupe Fiasco - Bitch Bad from Gil Green on Vimeo.
stevejobs : Good reply using the Lupe Fiasco video.
my name is legion : Don't go too far. On this one i think you got to blame the artist.
bodysong : Nothing cant' beat the Rella video this year
Guys, the hook is "All I want for my birthday is a big booty ho."
And seriously, where were you all during the eric wareheim era? That was truly horrific.
no, i think its the director. the directors to be more exact, nilsson, wareheim too, de thurah (remember his axed video for flashing lights) they all come from northern europen where they dont have too many black people and they cant experience black culture first hand. they think its different, so its got to be exotic, so mos def its got to be eccentric etc etc etc. its like when von trier wrote a film about america, without ever being there
Wareheim is from Baltimore, wtf are you smoking man
The twins were brilliant. As was the contortionist. Nice job. It had a couple of focus problems in certain shots, ") but maybe the booties where too much for the coordination.
I didn't didn't find it racist at all. There wasn't any fried chicken on the table.