MGMT "Your Life is a Lie" dir. Tom Kuntz

apparently filmed in CANADA
hehe, so true...but still entertaining
To be fair their reels are very similar, and truth be told Kuntz was here first.
This is bittersweet for me.
As well-executed as it is, it's the first Mgmt or Kuntz video to completely abandon a central concept or idea and dissolve into the murky random quirk that indieish videos have been stuck in for the last 3 years.
Anyone who writes off Kuntz's work as just random or weird is forgetting that he normally has really strong overall concepts. Same can be said for Mgmt. Here it's just #tumblr.
(that being said, it's nice to know that someone out there still has the freedom to make this kind of work for a major label.)
I thought the concept was, er, obvious?
And I thought it was cool to trash his first MGMT vid, not this one.
It basically just interpreted the lyrics line by line, which is fine, but it didn't have a strong central concept. Maybe I'm just especially bummed because Kuntz is such a strong overall idea guy. Nothing wrong with the tumblr style, but I was hoping that he'd bring something different.
And oh yeah, the puppet in the desert one was garbage.