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New BLOC PARTY vid for "Banquet"

tagged bloc party

I like it.

captainmarc22, November 16, 2004 at 8:02:35 PM CET

umm neat song good energy but man we've seen so many performance videos based on extreme closeups c'mon do something different

jdub, November 16, 2004 at 8:28:40 PM CET would be nice if it was really different. But for a performance vid this is one of the better ones i have seen recently. But then again, if I take a second to think about it...I think I would probably hate it if the song wasn't so good. But I dig the super 8 or whatever they shot it in. And the effects are messed up in a VHS sort of way which I like. It's like "old looking but with new old effects" is the new new or the new black. Or maybe I'm not making any sense.

arnithor, November 17, 2004 at 12:34:48 AM CET

i think they made this with almost no budget and very early in their career. this video was actually made before they signed to a label. i think only good because the band is good and the song is great.

captainmarc22, November 17, 2004 at 1:31:43 AM CET

does it matter if it cost $2000 or $50,000? I've seen great videos done for nothing and crap done for a ton. When videos play on TV (or wherever) they don't have a title which hasthe budget and can only expect to be judged on the end product.

arnithor, November 17, 2004 at 1:40:49 AM CET

i agree with the budget thing. and i am not saying this is a bad video. heck. i am doing 2 music videos now for almost next to nothing so believe me i know. i have seen worse videos made for gazillions.

but. i think this is shot on video. i saw this on MTV2 in UK four months ago and it looks very video like. most likely DV. and they didn't bother working on the shutter or making it look more like film. which i find cool.

jdub, November 17, 2004 at 2:18:00 AM CET

LUSK Of course it's not VHS. I said "VHS-like" effects. I accidentally confused it with thier other video for "Helicopter". I was going to post the link to it but I can't figure out where I saw it. You might be able to find it on MTV2. Try to find it though, it's really good. It's actually somewhat similar to this video in some ways but it has these really good VHS-like effects I have been talking about. The more I watch it the more I like it. The song is as strong as "Banquet" and the video is sick.

I dig your sci-fi ideas. Good take. and yeah, the strokes video fall far short of this. but then again so does the band. Bloc Party is similar at times but I think far more interesting music. I highly reccomend the EP.

langdonallger, November 17, 2004 at 8:07:02 PM CET

I liked the song as well, and that strokes video is sort of worse, I think it only serves to further their "image" or whatever. The video was alright I guess, for a performance piece.

I'm not sure if any of you had seen this video:

I'm not too fond of it myself, but the director, ben dawkins made a pretty great bogadon razinski (however you spell that) video which is on that site as well I believe.

lusk81, November 17, 2004 at 9:08:47 PM CET

This Ben Dawkins guy is rather interesting. He's obsessed with low/hi fi work. Video meets psuedo analog CGI. And the bogdan vid is great -- I had no idea Rephlex made promos...

kayser_sauze, July 29, 2008 at 11:48:20 AM CEST

dir. Nautilus


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