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John Coltrane - Giant Steps

Okay, I can understand that some of you don't appreaciate Kelly Clarkson and cellphone ringtones, but this is amazing. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!

This is seriously one of the best things i've seen in video/animation bar none. Great great great shit.

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Pinback - AFK

tagged Pinback

I like this band alot, but the video isn't all together there. Although their music, really isn't suitable to music video format, in my opinion. Great song, nonetheless.

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The Emergency

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The Nein

tagged The Nein

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The Prids-Let it Go

tagged The Prids


Some Spiritualized, Stereolab, and Nico videos would be nice.

The New Violence

tagged The uncut

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Wintersleep - Sore

This is one of my favorite new bands of the year. Really great video, and song. I don't see many video anymore that really complement the song in mood. They did a good job, especially with whatever small budget they had. although, the singer smiling seems a little out of place, although maybe that adds to the creep factor.

Wintersleep - Sore

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Awesome Beatles live video

Beatles - Don't Let Me Down (live on some rooftop).

This is some really awesome footage. I'm still amazed that The Beatles look and sound good in any era. God the keyboards make this so much better then the original.

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DJ Format - [Seperated at Birth]

tagged DJ Format

  • DJ Format
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    Moment of Truth

    I'm not the biggest Depeche Mode fan, but I just found this one, and it made me remember how much I enjoy their work; it's hard to find Depeche Mode videos on the web, so I thought I'd share. Just go to

    Crazy Israeli Folk Song

    tagged Ido Fluk

    Dancing hipsters in this video from Brooklyn artist Ido Fluk.


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    I have to say... kevathens; 02:37
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