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death from above 1979

romantic rights Real, windows media or quicktime. Nice video imho!

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Maximo Park 'Going Missing'

we like super slo-mo and the tune rocks. its a little dark so u might have to adjust your screens. directed by Chris Cairns

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Planet Funk "Stop Me" by Maki Gherzi

bleak future ahead...

.swf .mp4

here's the making-of (in italian)

(oh, and: no, it's not a dom&nic/chem. bros. rip-off, it came out nearly the same week)

My Gremlin

This is a new tech/program director James Merendino is developing. He took track from a film he did , 'Trespassing' and attached an audio sequence to this lovely character. This is in early testing stages.

He selected the facial movement, eyes, blinking - everything. Selected from preset stock of elements. Not like Final Cut more like Garage, but for film...y'know.

Expect to see more in the future.

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Sentimental Journey

tagged YUKI

This video made big waves and garnered quite a few nominations for itself. Because the video hasn't really been widely available I thought I'd post it here.

quicktime 6:

you can link back to the awards site and watch the other nominees.

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Escape Artist

tagged !!!

Indie rapper Sage Francis stars as an undercover cop hunting down an unusual target through the streets of NYC.

Indie rapper Sage Francis stars as an undercover cop hunting down an unusual target through the streets of NYC.

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Recent comments:
'Founded by Leen Hamo... kevathens; 00:16
Video By: Brad Murnane kevathens; 00:19
Sometimes pop music surprises... robodrug; 09:13
Frightening.. kevathens; 00:57
Seem better but I... kevathens; 15:53
d Connor Brashier &... kevathens; 00:12
Barely remember that -... kevathens; 21:37
Shout out to @kevathens... Benjamin.reichman; 21:08
robodrug: Two weeks?! No... antdude; 03:52
Sorry to hear Kev... robodrug; 14:15
And I am sick... antdude; 19:50
Overall they think I’m... kevathens; 11:15
Was’n one psych hos... kevathens; 11:13
Thanks for the updates.... antdude; 05:38
I’ve been out kevathens; 02:06
I think this is... anniewaters91; 23:35 antdude; 01:29
NSFW kevathens; 10:23 * kevathens; 11:58
As can be seen... robodrug; 13:02
The8 debuted as a... robodrug; 13:00
Can't say I care... robodrug; 12:57 (2005) - kevathens; 00:07
Better than remembered kevathens; 12:19
Meh kevathens; 11:43
This has a bit... robodrug; 09:20
Perfect Black Label! robodrug; 09:15
But why re(peat/post) 4X?... antdude; 01:14
Q&A Ben Reed (3/2021) kevathens; 12:57
cool robodrug; 17:17
Shockingly saw this on... kevathens; 15:26
There’s 10K hits this... kevathens; 11:25
Jennie, Rosé coming soon kevathens; 01:41
Now, it works. Thanks.... antdude; 00:30
Opens for me? robodrug; 06:38
Fixed kevathens; 03:00
No, it's not. I... antdude; 02:53
OKGo kevathens; 23:48
Money's on being Choi... robodrug; 21:06
MTV is playing Fifty... kevathens; 13:26
Well if that don't... robodrug; 13:45
Sorry to hear, wish... robodrug; 12:21
Hi I’m having issues. I... kevathens; 19:49
Ah Rats... blocked in... robodrug; 02:23
Brill! :D robodrug; 00:36
They’re playing this on... kevathens; 00:26
nice1 robodrug; 03:21
This is a concept!... robodrug; 01:27
Glad to hear mate,... robodrug; 01:05
Very P Nation 31... robodrug; 01:03

July 2005