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Public Symphony - Stronger

Public Symphony - Stronger (.mov)
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The Decemberists "Sixteen Military Wives" (dir: Aaron Stewart)

Now, I know this was posted before, but there was only a link to a torrent, and it wasn't posted with any sort of title... so here it is again, in a simple quicktime file to coincide with it's release as a single in the UK. Maybe you haven't seen it yet. It's good.


Earlimart, Heave adores you

Macro: here is the video that i made for the band Earlimart about a year ago, it is quicktime and about 20MB

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"M5" short, dir. Lobo, with the Flaming Lips "You Gotta Hold On"

self-help robot story (ok, so the song's pretty marginal...)

(coca-cola's working hard to regain cred - a link to jack white's tune for them, anyone?)

flv here 32mb mov here 29mb h264 mov here

making of (swf) here

(via stereogum)

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Die Flasche von der letzten Feier ne Lederhose ohne Bayer Gestern wurd sich drum gerissen heut wird auf den Müll geschmissen. Das Müllmännerlied - der Wahnsinn...
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i feel just like a child... (but not like devendra)

  1. always wondered what children's tv really feels like to a two year-old?

Dying Fetus "Kill Your Mother, Rape Your Dog" (mpg here)

  1. you thought dj-ing culture had reached its peak? just wait for the next generation...

Toy Noise Remix (swf here)

(both via WBotB)

# comment! (2 comments)     

Rumble Strips "Motorcycle" dir. Harry Dwyer

nice&simple one-take number. (bits of the cure's pictures of you in there....)

flv file here

on-site flash player here

(via waxy)

# comment! (8 comments)     


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I have to say... kevathens; 02:37
This is fantastic (I’m... kevathens; 00:49
FYI I’m still obssesed... kevathens; 21:06
Good luck Kev I... robodrug; 14:51
Every once in a... kevathens; 21:15
We will miss you!... tobi; 17:21
Aw. Thanks for posting!... antdude; 03:43
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Sometimes pop music surprises... robodrug; 09:13
Frightening.. kevathens; 00:57
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Barely remember that -... kevathens; 21:37
Shout out to @kevathens... Benjamin.reichman; 21:08
robodrug: Two weeks?! No... antdude; 03:52
Sorry to hear Kev... robodrug; 14:15
And I am sick... antdude; 19:50
Overall they think I’m... kevathens; 11:15
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Thanks for the updates.... antdude; 05:38
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November 2005