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Takagi Masakatsu - Japanese video artist

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Spike Jonze - Gap ad "Pardon Our Dust"

from the 'pardon our dust' ad

This ad has been making the rounds, popping up on and so on, but Jeffrey Wells at has scored an original version of the ad with Peer Gynt's music. Seems someone changed the final edit to have wacky, this isn't meant to be that serious music... Trying to downplay the subversion. Here's the original, which went a long way to washing the Levy out of my brain and is one of the better ads I've seen in a long awhile. Especially the minivan bit.

Here's the retooled version where it's just ironic or something...

Protocol - Where's The Pleasure

My new favorite band, first discovered here. New video with lots of quick cuts, contrasting colors, and an Asian chick doing an interpretive dance. Cute clip in my opinion.

screen cap from video for Protocol - "Where's The Pleasure"

Link to streaming Windows media. (High bandwidth - only option I can find anywhere as of yet. Can't find any director info either.)

Link to Protocol's official site.

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Enya "Amarantine" Dir: Tim Royes

This is going to be a bit boring, I'm afraid...

Video here (windows media) + info here

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Recent comments:
'Founded by Leen Hamo... kevathens; 00:16
Video By: Brad Murnane kevathens; 00:19
Sometimes pop music surprises... robodrug; 09:13
Frightening.. kevathens; 00:57
Seem better but I... kevathens; 15:53
d Connor Brashier &... kevathens; 00:12
Barely remember that -... kevathens; 21:37
Shout out to @kevathens... Benjamin.reichman; 21:08
robodrug: Two weeks?! No... antdude; 03:52
Sorry to hear Kev... robodrug; 14:15
And I am sick... antdude; 19:50
Overall they think I’m... kevathens; 11:15
Was’n one psych hos... kevathens; 11:13
Thanks for the updates.... antdude; 05:38
I’ve been out kevathens; 02:06
I think this is... anniewaters91; 23:35 antdude; 01:29
NSFW kevathens; 10:23 * kevathens; 11:58
As can be seen... robodrug; 13:02
The8 debuted as a... robodrug; 13:00
Can't say I care... robodrug; 12:57 (2005) - kevathens; 00:07
Better than remembered kevathens; 12:19
Meh kevathens; 11:43
This has a bit... robodrug; 09:20
Perfect Black Label! robodrug; 09:15
But why re(peat/post) 4X?... antdude; 01:14
Q&A Ben Reed (3/2021) kevathens; 12:57
cool robodrug; 17:17
Shockingly saw this on... kevathens; 15:26
There’s 10K hits this... kevathens; 11:25
Jennie, Rosé coming soon kevathens; 01:41
Now, it works. Thanks.... antdude; 00:30
Opens for me? robodrug; 06:38
Fixed kevathens; 03:00
No, it's not. I... antdude; 02:53
OKGo kevathens; 23:48
Money's on being Choi... robodrug; 21:06
MTV is playing Fifty... kevathens; 13:26
Well if that don't... robodrug; 13:45
Sorry to hear, wish... robodrug; 12:21
Hi I’m having issues. I... kevathens; 19:49
Ah Rats... blocked in... robodrug; 02:23
Brill! :D robodrug; 00:36
They’re playing this on... kevathens; 00:26
nice1 robodrug; 03:21
This is a concept!... robodrug; 01:27
Glad to hear mate,... robodrug; 01:05
Very P Nation 31... robodrug; 01:03

December 2005