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Human Television "In Front Of The House" (dir.: ?)

subtly odd performance in a room. mov here. bonus vids of theirs: Look At Who You're Talking To; I Laughed; Tell Me What You Want. (via chromewaves)
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The Streets - Happy 25th, MTV (dir.: Alastair Siddons et. al.)

longest video ever (20 min's); to premiere on MTV August 1st. info here and here; uneventful trailer here.

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The Prids - Let It Go (DIR Tobias Perse)

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Swimming Pool - Mecanorma (ANIM Stéphanie Beaugrand)


...he's (quietly?) emerged as the most successful rock music video director in the US.

Several of his videos have been hated on here, but a lot have been praised; usually with non-antville-friendly artists.

A sampling: All American Rejects "Move Along",Green Day "Waiting", My Chemical Romance "I'm Not Okay", Hot Hot Heat "Middle of Nowhere", Snow Patrol "Chocolate", Weezer "Perfect Situation".

What is your opinion of Director Marc Webb?

Great Director
33.3% (16 votes)
Mediocre / Mixed
37.5% (18 votes)
29.2% (14 votes)
Total: 48 votes

Aa (BIG A little a) -"Fingers to Fist" by Lev + Whitney

First of two videos by Lev + Whitney for Aa's (BIG A little a) upcoming album and dvd. For those unfamiliar with Aa, Thurston Moore says they make "the kindsa sounds that young people should be making and enjoying in bistros from here to Kalamazoo".

Quicktime (right-click to download) YouTube

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Golden Shower "Video Computer System" (anim. Lobo; 2001)

jog down 8-bit memory lane

mov here.

(courtesy of the fashionably hermetic new venue)

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I have to say... kevathens; 02:37
This is fantastic (I’m... kevathens; 00:49
FYI I’m still obssesed... kevathens; 21:06
Good luck Kev I... robodrug; 14:51
Every once in a... kevathens; 21:15
We will miss you!... tobi; 17:21
Aw. Thanks for posting!... antdude; 03:43
Mostly telling y’all cuz... kevathens; 20:31
2.2B bp kevathens; 23:43
BLACKPINK -~> 2B in... kevathens; 23:38
Lots of play in... kevathens; 01:43
Saw this on MTV... kevathens; 22:07
Iconic clip w 3B... kevathens; 21:35
Variety: Michel’s next project... kevathens; 20:05
This is still a... kevathens; 00:09
My #1 vid of... kevathens; 22:19
That's shocked me somewhat... robodrug; 07:57
Probably the most influential... kevathens; 02:32 kevathens; 01:55
Guy Nisbett’s v1 kevathens; 01:45
Brilliant (edit) kevathens; 01:38
I’m really saddened by... kevathens; 18:17
I’ve tagged the post... kevathens; 18:04
Commenter biogeo: Last year, in... kevathens; 17:52
ROSÉ/Bruno -> 1B kevathens; 19:01
Stromae -> 1.1B kevathens; 00:18
👍 robodrug; 19:54
'Founded by Leen Hamo... kevathens; 00:16
Video By: Brad Murnane kevathens; 00:19
Sometimes pop music surprises... robodrug; 09:13
Frightening.. kevathens; 00:57
Seem better but I... kevathens; 15:53
d Connor Brashier &... kevathens; 00:12
Barely remember that -... kevathens; 21:37
Shout out to @kevathens... Benjamin.reichman; 21:08
robodrug: Two weeks?! No... antdude; 03:52
Sorry to hear Kev... robodrug; 14:15
And I am sick... antdude; 19:50
Overall they think I’m... kevathens; 11:15
Was’n one psych hos... kevathens; 11:13
Thanks for the updates.... antdude; 05:38
I’ve been out kevathens; 02:06
I think this is... anniewaters91; 23:35 antdude; 01:29
NSFW kevathens; 10:23 * kevathens; 11:58
As can be seen... robodrug; 13:02
The8 debuted as a... robodrug; 13:00
Can't say I care... robodrug; 12:57 (2005) - kevathens; 00:07

July 2006