Alias Pail - "Dollboy" Dir.: Jim Turner
This is a cover of a twee-pop song by the Japanese band
My Pal Foot Foot, performed by NYC musician Alias Pail. Sung in Japanese. Animation by Camy Lee.
watch video here.
We had a lot of fun making this video, and would love to hear feedback.
Arcade Fire - Black Mirror - dir: Olivier Groulx & Tracy Maurice

Turin Brakes "Dark On Fire", Dir. Shelly Love

bang bang... flv here. (via promo)
Question? Mark Pellington
any mov of Bruce Springsteen: Lonesome Day and Girls In Their Summer Clothes? In my humble opinion, by far, best conceptual videos from mark pellington... thanx in advance
Metronomy - Radio Ladio (dir. Daniel Brereton)
Music video directed by Daniel Brereton and edited by Matt Dollings.

via It's Nice That
Galactic, 'From the Corner to the Block' [dir. Abbey Luck and Sean Donnelly]
"It's vaguely about the creation and reforming a square based world," Donelly tells Spinner . [flash]
Andrea Gabriele "1 of 1000 Giraffes", dir: Claudio Sinatti
While working on the installation “Per 1000 Giraffe” Andrea Gabriele and I came up with this little video. It needs some cleaning up as it was just a copy & paste of bits and pieces from the installation, but I love the way a 3d character just stands there doing nothing… I find this makes it look very expressive.
Brothertunes - Starship
Swiss soulband Brothertunes releases in february 08 the new album "A Million Things To Say". Here the link to the single "Starship" released in january 08:
Brothertunes - Starship
Videoplaylist of Swiss pop rock band Dada Ante Portas
All the videoclips of Dada Ante Portas in good quality:
Dada Ante Portas clips
Niels van Gogh
2nd musicvideo of my diploma thesis at the university of applied sciences in mannheim.
QUESTION - Oasis video in a karaoke bar?
does anyone know of an oasis video that happens in a karaoke bar?
or any other band that does one?
TIGERBOMBS "Punch Me Up", dir: Teemu Niukkanen
Ridiculous camera work, smoke, flying guitars and of course: boobs.
rabbit junk, a hero in mr. sholensk, dir. ian m. wilmoth
youtube link:
hope its not totally uncool to post your own stuff. this is my first professional vid as a director, i have worked on quite afew doing fx, and im a frequent lurker on antville. this place really inspires me so i hope you dont think it sucks, but i welcome any critique. its loud rock so turn it down if your significant other is asleep right now.

Jefferson Starship - Layin' It On The Line (Dir Irv Goodnoff)
Ben Harper "Morning Yearning", Dir. Heath Ledger

r.i.p. wonder whether his video for nick drake's "black eyed dog" will ever surface.
(via 'gum)