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We Still Got It (And You Want It) (But You Can't Have It)

This is a video i did for a friend's band in Dublin Ireland. I'm trying to get it out and about, so if you like it, tell your friends. I'd like to hear what you think. Bear in mind this is my first music vid. —Johnny

BTW the quicktime version seems to be the best quality

binkystick, February 24, 2005 at 1:53:16 AM CET

I like it! I think it starts off too slow, though. I was getting ready to close it, but then the fax came through and I waited. Glad I did. I think you did a good job of taking typical After Effects type animation and playing with it to make it more interesting (ie: the cut-out of the kid).

Also, the band members are WAY too happy. Other than that, good job.

ai, February 24, 2005 at 10:50:56 AM CET

Yes its better than the average. We never see enough people happy. I was wondering what's making the song not repetitive, i guess it's because there are no lyrics. And because your animation is constructed too.

najork, February 24, 2005 at 10:53:57 PM CET

Having a real concept makes this work. I would agree the intro seem a little irelevant, but it's not too big a deal.

Good start.

spamshine, February 25, 2005 at 6:37:15 PM CET

Thanks for the feedback. I agree the flowery bit at the beginning drags on alright, it was done in a rush and never properly tidied up after. I think its obviously the work of a graphic designer trying out animation, i'm going to try experimenting a bit more the next time, ie stop motion, 3d etc

By the way the song never gets repetitive because its a great song, and a great album also. Think it's out this month in the US, but you can download it from their website–

Bye now


swish, March 3, 2005 at 7:33:45 AM CET

johnny - great video man, really cool. Great track too - bring back the soulful shit. Feelin it man - do you you have a personal web site?

spamshine, March 3, 2005 at 7:07:10 PM CET

Thanks a lot! Glad you like it.

I do indeed have a website:


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