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Latest video from The Decemberists for "Sixteen Military Wives."

It's good. Very good. Really very incredibly good. It has a very Rushmore look and feel at heart, following a school's diplomatic encounters within their own Model United Nations. There are also obvious allusions to America's own current administration and it's unfaltering attitude concerning foreign relations.

From the band's website: "The video was made in a spirit of absolutely insane cooperation between friends, family, and strangers who worked for little more than some snacks and the chance to throw wads of paper at Colin." And don't anyone miss Death Cab's Chris Walla, who produced the new album Picaresque, as the wannabe news reporter. AND HOW COOL IS IT that they included a copy of Chris Thompson's Blankets in that locker!!!

The band just released the video on their website as a high quality 75 mb Quicktime file. You can read more about the release as well as how to download it as a BitTorrent HERE.

Enjoy, Pbjnecrome, representing the Republic of Antvillia.

ournameismud, March 20, 2005 at 5:06:28 AM CET

yeah it's pretty good. i wanted to dislike it, though i couldn't really.

they layed the rushmore on REALLY thick though, sometimes blurring the line between loving homage and halfbaked fanboy.

but anyway, quite nice.

cleetus, March 20, 2005 at 7:04:23 AM CET

Posts like this are the reason I like this site. The Decemberists are one of my favorite groups, yet I wouldn't have seen this video for months because I rarely check the news on their site.

Thanks! -Matt.

tomtom1000, March 20, 2005 at 2:30:35 PM CET

yeah -- I immediately thought Tushmore when I saw the video ... I guess my complaint is that the video really seems to be what you focus on ... not the music as much as they probably would have hoped ... secondly, I think it gets a bit gaggy at parts (like the security guard parts) ... but it is certainly very nice looking and I like the song

stripedcollar, March 22, 2005 at 2:48:18 AM CET

This is a really, really, really good video. I don't care if they got the same actors, director and crew from Rushmore, this is an excellent video ON IT'S OWN. EXCELLENT, I SAY!!! If it can't inspire you to at least think about going down to the White House and starting to play a guitar, keyboard, and/or french horn to "America can't say no!" then you have no souls.

langdonallger, March 22, 2005 at 4:31:40 AM CET

I guess I don't have a soul.


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