Where's Jesus?
Ok, it was funny at first, you guys being pissed off at the frog video that is. But I had no idea that this was actually a huge "product" that people bought. I mean it's been on the #1 spot forever with A HUGE GAP between the #2 spot.
Fuck i mean Time and BBC News wrote full page articles about it. How is this any different then Moochy from Dogma??? Well without further a due(?), I present you the anticipated sequel song that JUST HIT THE STREETS!
Seriously, I must ask this. What have the swedes done for us? The Hives, Opeth, Army of Lovers, and now Crazy Frog???? Unbelievable.
we don't want anything to do with it! (so we sent it to you)
and I want to point out that here it stayed being a mobile-tune not a hit-single
oooh ok, sry Carpark. I get what you were saying now. We=us swedes right? here=sweden
försök skriv svenska själv så får du se hur svårt det är va!
now you try writing in swedish ;)
Its just plain boring. it will be gone soon enough.
Up next: a singing liver, now thats fun!
by the way LSP u spelt grammar wrong so if you are going to pick up on other peoples mistakes make sure u can spell properly! and please stop the shite posts!!
it's SPELLED, not spelt!!!!!!!!
hahahahahha. that was awesome.
Actually, spelt is correct in his context. So if you're going to pick on people for correcting people for spelling and Grammar, you better get your p's and q's in order. LMAO
spelt2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (splt) v. A past tense and a past participle of spell1.
From: dictionary.reference.com