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Smoosh "Rad"

tagged Smoosh
live, intercut with some sk8trkids

replay, June 25, 2005 at 7:11:08 PM CEST

dont tell me you actually like this music?

jesse.ewles, June 25, 2005 at 8:18:54 PM CEST

The girls more intimidating in clayform. Good work with fire-breathing two-headed dragon. The insurgents need one of those in Iraq. -j

progosk, June 25, 2005 at 8:34:12 PM CEST

if you were really interested in my musical taste, you'd probably get a good idea reading my various previous posts. but of course that's not your concern at all (nor is there any reason why it should be).

to engage your polemic: from a few tracks i've heard off their 'she like electric' (such as 'massive cure' and bottlenose), and from their interviews i've read and heard, and, perhaps above all, from a parent's point of view (though my kids are smaller): i think they've been pretty fucking cool to've put together what they have so far. if these were my daughters, i think i'd be proud and then some.

as concerns this particular song, if i'm not mistaken it's one of their earliest, which would mean they wrote it when they were about 10 and 8.

what were you up to when you were that age?

ataquemacizo, June 26, 2005 at 1:49:51 AM CEST

what are you accomplishing by judging others' musical tastes? just review the music videos and be done with it

replay, June 26, 2005 at 2:30:56 PM CEST

hey, calm down i wasnt having a go at you i was just wondering if you actually liked this music? a simple question that requires a simple answer. and if youre telling me that i should be reviewing the video what the hell for? its crap and a pointless waste of time putting it on this site. if you want to show people how cool you think they are go and do it on an 'this is a cool kids band' site.

progosk, June 26, 2005 at 3:14:00 PM CEST

(calmly, as before): i put this up as context for the previous post, the video to la pump.

zachhale, June 28, 2005 at 9:39:19 AM CEST

I'm in that video! Haha! That venue is Chop Suey in Seattle, WA. They were opening with Aqueduct for Mates of State that night. I am in the very front. There is a gap, then a taller girl, then a short guy with thick brown hair. That's me! :D

And here's a pic I took of the guy filming them:

feliz.nostalgia, June 28, 2005 at 6:58:12 PM CEST

the video is so simple and average that there is nothing to comment on BUT the music...which is good for a couple of tweens but nothing i'd buy.


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