Natasha Bedingfield "These Words"

according to
Natasha Bedingfield "These words" [version 2] Dir: Chris Milk [uncredited]
this video is god-awful... and why is her cleavege pixelated?
Holy bad video. Chris milk can be hit and miss but this is vomitous...are you sure it's his work?
I've seen this on vh1 and it doesn't credit a director at all. I wouldn't put this past chris milk though.
One day you are working with the Flaming Lips, the next Daniel Dedingfield's sister. The original UK release (I'm guessing this is a recent US release) had an equally lousy video.
Chris Milk is the single most over rated director in the world.
His Chemical Bros was a piece of shit and his Kanye West was a joke.
How does he get so much work?
The reason there is no director name on it is because it is not my work. It is utter and complete shit though, I will give you that.
Mr Milk...for what it's worth, I like your work , especially the Courtney Love video with the little girls.. (and this has to be one of the most inarticulate bitchfest forums I've ever come accross... but I have to agree this one is a bit poo).
mr milk... i loved both your chemical bros video and the kaney video. both were fab so bravo. so... who did this natasha bedingfield video? sophie muller and wiz did the uk version. which is marginally better..
Mr Milk.....Lick your bum-bum down.....mmmmm, tastes good.
feels good. You can stop with the formalities, my name is chris. This video was taken away from me a long time ago. Without getting sued I can tell you this much, the work i did for it I am not legally allowed to show anyone, and this video is a pile of shit.
hahahaha. word.
Chris Milk's version (excerpt). Jim Gable's second "utter and complete shit" US version uses much of the footage from Milk's video. Sole differences: animated boomboxes, new performance footage, different edit. Well, well, well, Chris, "utter and complete"? And FYI the international version was directed by Sophie Muller and Scott Lyon, not W.I.Z.
sneaky bugger, kayse i can see his point: the concept was bastardised&trivialised. and what came out is shit alright. whereas the original midget-legged g'blaster romp would have been a spooky kind of fun as the sole conceit. lightweight? p'haps, but then so's the tune.