SInce people often have no self control and are so bored that they have to agitate comment strings with really pointless mouth diarreah... I thought why not have a place where everybody can shit in the one corner. So please when you feel like you really have such issue with a video that you actually feel the need to make a pointless comment such as "this video is beat and smells like week old bung pie"...this is the place. Enjoy getting out your rage childish ones. :)

How's this for a new rule: people who post their own work anonymously or discreetly need to state that they don't want any negative comments.
Most people don't have time to watch all these no-name videos, so they read the feedback and look for bright spots.
For instance, that recent Kennedy "Love your Mama" video post - who is that band? Who is the director? Then you read the positive reviews, and make a decision to spend 4mins of your time... and see a great new video.
That's what's awesome about antville - place to find the links to the A-List directors/artists latest work, and a place for the no-name or low-budget work to shine through.
yea! bung pie!! =P
i thought video antville was a place to get dates...hmm.
Okay, I was going to create some sort of similar post on here, but I just got too swamped with work. I've been posting on here for a while, putting my own work up and sharing other stuff I've found. I've praised many a video and slammed many others, just like people have done to me. Whenever someone shat on my work, I took it all with a grain of salt (until Kakahed attacked me personally, but that's another matter).
The thing is, the barbs never bothered me, but recently I found out that some comments on here REALLY get under some peoples' skin. I went back and reread some of my comments over the past year or so and it really started to make me ill. What the fuck was I thinking? I don't even remember half the shit I posted. As much as I hate to admit it, Kakahed was right. I was an insecure little shit and my comments were my only release of aggression.
See, I'm no better than anyone here, and none of you are either. Who the fuck am I to tell you your shit sucks? I'm just a guy trying to make a buck. Opinions are great and should be shared, but jesus....I think many of us have let things really get out of hand. Whether it's witty banter or demeaning crudity, this website is just a haven for people with WAY too much time on their hands.
And...I found God! No no, I'm kidding. I don't want to sound all preachy. But in all seriousness, if I've ever offended you with my shitty criticisms, I apologize. What can I say? I was a douchebag. I'm now trying to be less douchey.
So, not that anyone really cares, but that's why I've quit posting on this site....until just now....but then I'm done. Everyone needs to lighten up. If you're gonna post a negative comment, just remember that sometimes your words can really hurt. And if you're gonna post your own shit, stop bitching when people don't like it. Take those comments and use them to better your work.
Channel your aggression into something positive. Go fuck a pumpkin and cure cancer, I dunno....whatever it is you gotta do. I'm outta here.
What on earth are you talking about? We are supposed to be commenting on videos. That's why there is a "comment" option.