33HZ, Hot Flashes
Directed by Fluorescent Hill
more silly white boy disco soul. PLEASE. MORE. MORE. MORE. IT IS SO FUNNY.
I like this video.
This is a great song. Did anyone notice how there is a little Stone Roses instrumental bit while that girl is dancing?
but honestly: WHAT was the point of showing the guys' faces at the end? shurely maintaining the mystique (daft punk docet) would have been the right choice....
they're probably lucky they got away with as much animation vs band time as they did. labels don't really like to hide the performers. probably wasn't a director's decision. videos are marketing tools guided by the hands of committees, not works of art controlled by the director. unless he or she finances it; then they can do whatever they want. nice attention to 80s production values. lens flares and giant wireframe heads rule.
but i agree with you progosk- doing it all daft punk like would have looked pretty cool. still, there's something delightfully cheesy about the reveal at the end.
Yep Tron, Master Control
i liked the reveal. how else would we have been able to find out that they were complete dorks? great performance piece though.
Good heads; reminds me of tron, and that vr nintendo system that burnt all those kids retna. Awful music though. Disco music isn't funny or cool unless its accompanied by hardcore porno. -j
How can you say that all disco isn't cool? It's like saying all muslims are terrorists. It's just ignorant. Just because there are some really shit disco tunes - doesn't mean they are all shit. Personally, I like the song, and I'm no big fan of disco as a genre, but you have to admit, there are some great disco tracks out there. LONG LIVE DISCO.
i really dig this clip, think it suits the track well. don't especially like the reveal at the end, but oh well.