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Bonnie Prince Billy - 'Agnes'

tagged shrigley
bonnie prince billy

'Agnes' directed by David Shrigley

he made also the video for blur ('good song') together with shynola and he is featured on bbc with his weekly appearing 'modern thoughts' (a lot of tiny animations: ).

carpark, August 13, 2005 at 1:00:36 PM CEST

lovely. love shirgleys illustrations. is this from a new coming bonnie prince-album?

filiz, August 13, 2005 at 1:04:58 PM CEST

no, the album was released one year ago.

oh, and i saw that bonnie 'prince' billy is right now on a tour through europe.

jesse.ewles, August 13, 2005 at 7:37:31 PM CEST

The ping-pong makes it. Good stuff. -j

salad fingers, August 14, 2005 at 10:44:22 AM CEST

it is one thing to use a "shitty" style to do something excellent - like that shynola blur video - but this was just boring and stupid.

i could make an animated video, in that style, better than that in half a day.

biccamera, August 14, 2005 at 12:37:33 PM CEST

I think you have missed the point, somewhat Fingers. I’m an animator too – and this promo is lovely. Animation is not about style over content. It’s the reverse. If you have a great idea then the rest will follow. This video works perfectly for wee Bonnie, anything more ‘technically proficient’ would have been trite. More ping pong in promos, yay.

amac, August 14, 2005 at 9:02:41 PM CEST

I don't know, as another animator too, this didn't do it for me either. The stlye is fine, I have no quarms about that, but it lacked a certain sense of timing that niggles me. The slow pace suits the slow song, but it's rather hard to watch, ping-pong aside.

salad fingers, August 15, 2005 at 8:21:57 AM CEST

yes yes i am also an animator. and i also can't draw so i do things in the "barely technically proficient" style. but i try to add content or whatever that is either interesting itself, or plays off the style or something. this video just seemed content with its own weird drawing style. i got about as much out of watching the video as looking at the still.

whoa, i used the word "content" twice in two ways.

pest, August 15, 2005 at 8:43:37 PM CEST

ok. prove it. you've got half a day, starting from now. lets see this shitty style of yours.


filiz, August 15, 2005 at 10:42:56 PM CEST

i think the promo 'agnes' is in a hugging way anti. there´s no hurry for something and the protagonists are straight forward ugly, but it doesn´t matter, because to me it seems very human. that´s what makes it so charming. besides that, i honor shrigley´s courage to put his ideas in practice since they are not the easiest to consume.

i found an interview with shrigley, in which he talks about his animated promos:

and since i´m something like a fan i can not hold his website back: (for example: under 'sculptures' you can find 'THE CONTENTS OF THE GAP BETWEEN THE REFRIDGERATOR AND THE COOKER.' 1995)


progosk, August 15, 2005 at 11:22:34 PM CEST

thx for that. curioser and curioser...

salad fingers, August 16, 2005 at 1:03:13 AM CEST

wow, pest - you've trapped me. now i have to waste half a day to prove a point to you.

i think your david shrigley said it best himself with this cartoon:

pest, August 16, 2005 at 8:21:08 AM CEST


yep, you're right. david shrigley said it best...

catherine, August 17, 2005 at 9:25:46 PM CEST

thanks for sharing the website - i will kill much time there today ...


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