The Exit

New video, shot in LA last June.
check it out (QT)
i really enjoyed the art direction and set design. but after the first minute the video begins to feel like a wasted opportunity. the adjacent rooms provide a great context in which to develop a narrative here, but instead we just see a series of vaugely related scenes of compelling imagery but no context to give them any weight.
alright, this is what I'm talking about!
Waverly Films vs. Terri Timely.
Who will win?
xtc vs. adam ant, content vs. form
cap'n marc, you instigator!
nice job. not an easy song to deal with ("thats what you get for taking home a whore"??) , but the result is smooth and poetic. i heard that the bass player is wearing one of the directors' shirt in the video. is this true? and if so, when can i purchase it on ebay?
To address mr dickensian, i agree to an extent but I think if we tried to make the narrative any more direct it may of come off as a little too literal. Granted it may be too subtle for some I hope people get some semblance of a story. I think the most challenging thing for us was that the song is over 4min and one can only afford so many rooms. But all in all I'm happy with the video, i guess it could have been better but then again you could probably say that about most videos. By the way the art director was Jesse Benson, who rocked. So if waverly ever needs a good art director call him up.
c-rock, I heard that Waverly scratches and pulls hair, so if there ever is a cage match, make sure to bring a weapon and wear a cup!
Whatever, I heard Waverly wets their bed and sleeps with a nightlight. I'm not sure if this is true or not but it throws the whole status of their crew into question.
Yeah, you guys were definitely hampered by a not-great song and not enough cash (isn't everybody). With more sets it would be a bit more magical.
QUICK QUIZ Who else has done vids with similar rotating-rooms style?
FREEBIES Brandy/Monica "The Boy is Mine" by Joseph Kahn A Different World - sitcom show open
Ha! I actually used to like the Boy is Mine video - that song was pretty awesome.
i am going to weigh in on the "should have gone somewhere" side. i really enjoyed the setup but it seemed like nothing came of it in the end.
i mean starting with a dude in a crashed car with a dead lady - that just says "story" to me.
stories are overrated. if i don't listen to music for words, why should i look at pictures for meaning?
writing about art is like dancing about architecture (laurie dixit)
kevathens: destiny's child? von bondies.
yea um this kind of bored me. but a lot of things do.
roboshobo - let's review SAT analogies
music : words :: pictures : ________
a) stories b) meaning c) dialogue d) you're an idiot