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The Stones Throw Singers – Rain of Earth

Directed by Ross Harri

The Stones Throw Singers – Rain of Earth (Video Screen Capture)

Ghillie suits in the suburbs. I am fine with that!

From Stones Throw Records

progosk, October 24, 2005 at 9:32:13 PM CEST

sasquatch is the new furry.

captainmarc22, October 24, 2005 at 9:46:18 PM CEST

yeah this is just like that other video (Menomena?) which I didn't love either. Nice effort, I guess - but really, would you email your friends about this? Incidentally, dumpy looking DV. Don't these peeps know about the DVX100??

progosk, October 24, 2005 at 10:00:03 PM CEST

beg to differ cap'n. menomena was damn groovy compared to this nowhereland treadmill.

salad fingers, October 25, 2005 at 8:53:36 PM CEST

i stopped watching when the musician was at the carnival, mouthing the words of the song like he was embarrassed to be acting in this music video in public.

that costume sure is similar to jonnie ross', which RULES. cap'n, i defer to you on many matters, but your dislike of that menomena video makes you suspect in my book.

captainmarc22, October 25, 2005 at 8:59:12 PM CEST

salad: re menomena - I just said I didn't love it; never said it was bad. I'd probably say I "love" 10 videos a year. This didn't make my cut.

Good observation on the embarassed performer at the carnival - that sums it up pretty well.

Even though this was low-budget, how does a half-baked idea like this get past a very creative label?


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