ANTVILLE AWARDS 2005: Worst Video

Caveat: While this isn't constructive criticism, we conduct this because sometimes a video just plain sucks. Take with some salt and good humor.
seriously? you guys are putting two gondry videos in there as the worst videos of the year? do you not have any respect for the godfather of music video? how bout coheed and cambria or jessica simpson? do any of you people actually know anything about music video? and fincher? c'mon!
mh. do i get this right: the list is not "bad videos in general" but "bad videos, which could have been good"? ah, no - you have sarah connor and r kelly in it - made my decision and coud have saved the comment.
These two lists just got added to Rex's year-in-review list fest
dudes, the strokes video is by far the worst. at least the green day video has some technical prowess.
It has to be be videos gone wrong, because obviously there are worse videos out there that dont even make it to this site, that play everyday on MTV or are too low budget no one sees them...therefore it should be videos gone horribly wrong, or "what were they thinking" videos...
It's deffinately a tie between Korn and Green Day for this one. I think it should go to Green Day though because they are slightly less retarded than Korn and therefore should know better and also because they can't seem to make a video that is less than thirty minutes long anymore. As for the rest of the list, I have to agree with the other comments, there were far worse videos and stop hating Fincher just because he knows that Mac beats PC.
Green Day seems to be the worst/most disappointing video of 2005. Though the brand-new Staind vid "Falling" makes me wretch. Ugh how about Clear Static "Make Up Sex". The cliche just drips off the screen.
Anyone have a working link to "Where Is The Line?"
mm u guys are a bunch of loosers who think that good videos are only the underground crap u guys post here. 90% of the stuff u guys post in this web page SUCKS!. If u guys wanna play like u are some badass-bohemian-cultured outcasts who can't tolerate commercial videos, fine, but Neither Green day or Korn's suck. They are great videos within their style. Korn is a joke sort of video, and very well done. Green Day...fuck, should I even mention why is it a good video? Oh yeah u guys can't relate to that video cos u spend most of the day jacking off in front of the computer, i forgot u've never been in a relationship.
I agree. This video is ANOTHER "war is bad and people die" videos. God this gets So annoying. I know music can open eyes but this video just doesn't.It makes me wish i had no eyes. It's called "wake me Up When Spetember Ends". Or more apropriatly tittled "wkae me up when this pre-amble ends." the first 2 or 3 mins. of the video is just talking. It's a music video not a soap-opra! 3 canadian idol winners could have ended and started their carrers in the time it takes to start the song. This start off like a good song. Until there's some more acting. Right in the middle of the song. I hate when they do that. Then the dude goes off to the war in iraq. or at least a soundstage set up to look like the war in iraq. I doesn't look like a war at all. It looks like they are being attacked by fireworks! Ahh fireworks. You know they can put out an eye. This video starts off like an episode of "Dawsons Creek" and turns into "Jarhead". This (i think) was suppose to bring awareness to the war in Iraq. But all i learn is that people go to war and their family and friends morn for them at home. Wow! Big eye opener. I just think punk bands should go back to wrting songs about fart jokes and videos of them playing instruments, not trying to act. All together, they should STOP WRITING "WAR IS BAD AND PEOPLE DIE" VIDEOS. It's starting to piss me off.