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The Russian Futurists "Paul Simon"

Directed by Matthew Eastman

quicktime here

itsallgonnabreak, December 27, 2005 at 3:58:09 AM CET


nightfly, December 27, 2005 at 8:30:37 AM CET

I've loved this song since March, when someone brought a CD with this back from SXSW. Futurists are great. (is great? are great? It's one guy, so...)

progosk, December 27, 2005 at 10:35:39 AM CET

nice&fresh editing&direction.

alkaline, December 27, 2005 at 4:06:50 PM CET

This is not very interesting. It's even... really fucking boring and gay. Jesus. will someone please post up a good short film please!

progosk, December 27, 2005 at 4:42:01 PM CET

alkaline solutions of moderate strength are much less corrosive than corresponding concentrations of acid, but are still corrosive enough to impair the usefulness of one's mental faculties.

tommyg, December 27, 2005 at 6:23:51 PM CET

Started out good, but didn't progress beyond that point. Another one-gimmick video with nothing to say.

alkaline, December 27, 2005 at 10:03:33 PM CET

oh progoski, are you the political officer of this comissar? Allow me to counter your praise of this schlock hopper:

the color correct looks professional, money was spent. However the idea is not interesting. The camera work is shoddy and seems to be accidentaly straying from the subject, not intentional. I certainly don't see what's interesting about the editing. Is it interesting because you notice it? I would say the contrary. Photography seems to be in focus and correctly exposed.

Do you think the idea is interesting?

sanfrediano, December 28, 2005 at 12:12:00 AM CET

The idea of a world of everyday people dancing their way through life as seen through the eyes of a disillusioned dude is a great one. I bet the treatment was extremely engaging. But the video fell short with poor execution. The shortcoming was that it could have been taken further--and that wouldn't have necessarily cost more money. If the dancing characters had in some way changed or affected the man in headphones it would have seemed more dynamic, but even with impromptu dance numbers the pace felt very slow. You waited for something to happen but it never did. Even a big group dance number in the street would have been a good pay off. Also, the futurists are an amazing band on a small label, so the budget could have been close to nothing.

progosk, December 28, 2005 at 1:02:18 AM CET

oh dear, i didn't expect anybody to get their knickers in a twist about this. it's just a fun enough video. ok, perhaps the executions is just good and not great. perhaps the editing overall just works and won't be garnering ovations at sundance. (i will stick my neck out for the final sequence though - there was a definite, unexpected (erotic?) charge there.) and, sure: the video went pretty much nowhere - but then so does the song - chalk it up to poetic justice. alles klar, alki? (and: i'll gladly deal you two new cards for "schlock hopper"...!)


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