Boards of Canada - Trailer for Trans Canada Highway EP (Dir. Melissa Olson)
Melissa Juice again? Features "A Is To B As B Is To C" from Geogaddi and "Rodox Video" from one of their old unreleased albums. They're up to something.
Also features some of "The Smallest Weird Number," if anyone's counting.. I dig this stuff. I feel like we're getting some answers to the riddles their music posits. And Jesus Christ I wish Chris Cunningham would do more stuff.. (that praying mantis is from his Telecom Italia ad.)
i noticed the mantis too! wouldn't it be something if the tch ep had more video content on it? a man can dream.
KEV: Totally with you on the BOC tip. Think CC has kinda outgrown promos though, no?
Yeah, he has. It's too bad he's not prolific otherwise. But hey, whatever floats the guy's boat.
He and Rutterford, man.. Wish we had a better system set up to support these guys, somehow.
Word, Amen, Bigups and a big old ditto to comments above. Cunningham and Rutterford are the architects of my dreams will someone tip them a healthy budget and and an even healthier amount of creative control sometime soon.? Breath bated for more boc.