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madmud - sexy popcorn

This is my first post here. I was checking this site for a few weeks and I know you guys are the sharpest critics around. So…I am ready.

progosk, May 30, 2006 at 2:00:46 PM CEST


nez, May 30, 2006 at 5:19:46 PM CEST

what does it mean? ...shit, must be something negative.

progosk, May 30, 2006 at 5:29:51 PM CEST

nez, May 30, 2006 at 5:33:55 PM CEST

ok, i find what does it mean in urbandictionary. That's better! btw, this was done without any budget, or maybe with negative budget. Just pure The Will to Create The Music Video. With two hands, pile of paper and consumer pocket dv camera. Never again.

glayvin, May 30, 2006 at 5:39:34 PM CEST

definately pr0n.

nez, May 30, 2006 at 5:46:32 PM CEST

rejected from tv stations, probably?

jesse.ewles, May 30, 2006 at 8:45:39 PM CEST

Reminds me of Friz the Cat. Hmmm. The execution was slick. You must have story boarded carefully. I didn't care for the drawings though. I think they're too derivative. It's an idea to have old-style cartoons doing controversial things (violence, sex, and the like) only problem is that you chose characters that already did that stuff in the original cartoons back in the 30's. Still, it's paced well, and it has good shot variety. -j

najork, May 30, 2006 at 8:56:18 PM CEST

Was not expecting much from the the thumb, but this is an impressive amount of work. The compositing and camera work make it pretty cohesive throughout. The 2D is rough, but it is allot more action than people attempt these days.

The WB knockoff style is my main problem. It would need to be very well executed to make up for the lack of originality it entails, but it does not seem to work with how you draw.

winchandpulley, May 31, 2006 at 12:45:44 AM CEST

Don't let these naysayers sway you. Despite the moral or content issues, the compositing and animation is really great. Seems like you were able to accomplish something truly unique on a very limited budget. Good job.

framescourer, May 31, 2006 at 12:35:02 PM CEST

Agreed. Stylish, despite repellent content. Not helped by the sonic equivalent of a coma as the track.


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