Depeche Mode "John The Revelator" (dir: Blue Leach)
Quicktime A live video with some animations.
Very good indeed. I've been working through the (largely Anton Corbjin devised) videos on that 86-98 DVD, which are often a bit flat: this one compares favourably.
DM do a good live gig and so this seems the best way to catch them. The animations really work; pungent but fast so it takes half the song to work out that they're post-production rather than on stage hologram (a la Gorillaz).
The song's great too (I'm a Violator vintage fan). Economical, making good use of Grahan's voice - and I love the way the top and tail fade out any ambient sound as if the whole thing were actually a studio production.
This is the last DM album best video so far. Great editing and I really like how the animations are combined with the live performance
The audio is bit rough don't ya think? -j
pretty terrible!
Well done.