Wolfmother "White Unicorn" : Dir. Kris Moyes?

He did post work on this one and it's on his site, so I'm going to assume that Moyes directed. Anyone know for sure?
I have a new clip to show and I think it looks great.
I’m responsible for the edit and colour grade. Since I was asked to do this as a favour I decided not to have a producer/director credit on this one.
From: xxxxx Subject: wolfmother music vid Date: April 10, 2006 12:42:54 AM EDT To: xxxxx
I had trouble interpreting this email, I guess he did directed it but since its a live performance punched out with Editor and Colorist? I like Kris's work more and more, with each project i can see him refining his directorial skills.
GWAN: Is that an email addressed to you? Are you part of Modular? Or are you faking this one to 'show us' how kris' email might have read........?
Wow, I'm impressed out how little energy that video has, in the visuals and the editing. Couldn't be more boring.
Pretty good. Reminds me of early Sabbath.
Whats wrong with the picture? was somone mucking around with the RCA jack at the back of the Telly?
defaced version (Kris Moyes it is!)