Freeze Puppy - Bounce directed by Unit 60
whoooowww! who are these guys ??
check the tricycles..
complete random and retarded but i kinda like it. much better then cheesy and pretentious vids are trying so hard to be cool and hip. please people, keep sending stuff like this in. if i want to watch nick cave, flaming lips, etc. i can just turn on my tv.
oh by the way, i love nick cave and flaming lips don't get me wrong but you know what i mean.
wow. where can i see those 2 bands on tv? to me, that would make tv worth watchin.
Very weird. I didn't like the music.
If you live in America the chances to see nick cave and flaming lips on tv is slim and none.
Not true at all, Flaming Lips are on Warner Brothers - that shit is definitely on mainstream TV. Nick Cave however, you may have a point. This video is hilarious.