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Nelly Furtado - Maneater (Director- Anthony Mandler)

The other track thats bin doing the rounds I'm a bit pissed off with the UK single and its 'secret site' where you can watch the video, but can't take with you Bit ov a swizz anyway....this 'ill suffice site link.

shittypretzel, June 21, 2006 at 11:48:34 PM CEST

this second single is unattractive as well. Lousy LaChapelle rip-off (Dirrty anyone?). It's a perfect example how pop videos are on low-budget and iPod friendly these days. Isn't that creepy? I think 00s are going to be far worse than 90s as far as videos are concerned.... Doom!

kevathens, June 22, 2006 at 2:00:11 AM CEST

I agree with you, I sometimes think about giving up watching mv's the last few years because they feel increasingly niche-marketed (read: individual videos don't feel as relevant to the wider cultural spectrum anymore, or I'm getting older) and the budgets have dropped dramatically, which makes 'mv director' an increasingly unsustainable job at the moment, and 'fan of mv's and directors' a less satisfying hobby. (n.b. I haven't watched this vid.)

spit, June 22, 2006 at 3:32:22 AM CEST

I think the biggest problem is that directors haven't caught up with what audiences want. In this post-jackass, post-youtube world, kids don't care as much about production value and subtle nuance; They want something that's creative and different, and doesn't so much put the song on a pedestal. I don't think I can speak for an entire generation of new music lovers, but I get the feeling that they just want videos that are exciting and fun. Looking back, I don't think any music video from last year had half the cultural impact of SNL's "Lazy Sunday" skit.

As much as I like this website, I do feel like it's geared towards an older crowd that still worships anything that reminds them of the cool videos they watched while they were growing up. And sometimes I think its that attitude that's scaring a whole crop of young new directors from breaking ranks. Its like, if they can't imagine the concept being on a director's label disc, they don't have the guts to do it.

vidbot, June 22, 2006 at 5:28:18 AM CEST

Its turd boring

lusk81, June 22, 2006 at 6:00:29 AM CEST

SPIT: You bring up some good points but I think your argument is ultimately flawed. This idea of 'what audiences want' is as elusive and impossible to capture as the proverbial pot at the end of the rainbow. Marketers have found ways to corner audiences and oversaturate certain time frame(s) to ensure a certain amount of 'success', but such brouhaha is not only cheapening all work (music, video, film, etc), but more prescienctly, empowering those who create such modes of delivery to continue creating, maintaining, and controlling them - which in turn controls capital, and ultimately controls product.

Jackass and youtube is very much part of the youth's present cultural 'entertainment' means. None of which has anything to do with "subtle nuance". The aforementioned is no forum for the works of Rimbaud, Chopin, or the like (how I wish).

Do I miss great promos? you're goddamn right I do. But to suggest an attitude of interest and knowledge of the greats, might I even suggest a heavy hammer of criticism that compares the new to the old (?), would hurt a new breed of promo helmers - sounds like something the enemy would say.

There is a way around all of this. And it's in the hands of you and everyone else that creates work of any kind.

At the end of the day it doesnt matter if it looks/feels/copies xyz promo. If the piece is mutherfuckin infused with ideas, if the medium is approached in such a way that one must force his/her self thru it in modes he/she may or may not even be conscious of, we naturally will see a resurgence but more importantly, a movement toward solidifying a foundation of creative freedom and in turn, interesting work.

How many stories have you heard of people telling Michel, Spike, Chris and people like newcomer Dethurah that what they're doing is not "what audiences want"?

Smart engaged people make smart and engaging work. Be a smarter person.

Chasing the cool. The now. The hip. Is akin to chasing that gypsy, highway pussy. Eventually you'll find yourself lost on the road and out of fuel.

I have a growing suspicion I'm fighting for the wrong medium, but everything echoes. And if music videos are somnambulistic, then the music is even worse, and the films and film industry will follow...

End of day: No reason to give up on that which you're creating. It's like giving up on oneself. Deathlike.

Feel the whisper come in.

The above promo is interesting in its vacancy. In club attire, Furtado follows her dog into zombie vampire underworld and ultimately 'gets served' (or maybe does the serving?). Either way we see a piece in every way unengaged and uninterested in its own tangential ideas.

Does Mandler (or his work) matter in view of it all? Who can answer this question? Me? You?

I'd put a dollar on the lady who sings Mr Mandler himself carries that cane.

spit, June 22, 2006 at 6:42:14 AM CEST

Yeah, I guess so. I think that a lot of the videos that people gush about on this site are mostly impersonations of stuff that was groundbreaking a decade ago.

hakai, June 22, 2006 at 7:43:04 AM CEST

I think people need to realize that half of MV's are not art. They are commercials for Musicians/Labels. The other half can be art but might not be what the client wants as a selling tool unless the client is an Indie and their market is more artistic. Its about cash and lots of cash. Sex drugs rock and roll! Maybe we should split up Antville into Commercial Music Videos and Non Commercial Music Videos. Or just Business and Art.

robodrug, June 22, 2006 at 11:56:23 AM CEST

I have seen some class stuff here on antville, I'd never got to see it elsewhere I thank u lot for it

But the ol' 'Rock is God' seems to percolate and bubble thu antville's lid on occasions, not that I would wanna stop people from enjoying what they want

I take the points posted there's some astute ones The negative ones would n' have been irrelevant to my decision to buy the single and album I liked the music so I put my cash up front, I didn't expect a video cut by Leonardo I'll play the album till i'm sick of it!

As for 'art' Oscar Wilde said 'All art is quite useless' Picasso was a bit more blunt and said "All art is theft". Mao went further 'All art belong to definite classes, There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake' (abridged coz it was too long ov a quote, All art is a commodity in other words! So there you go!

kevathens, June 22, 2006 at 12:53:51 PM CEST

Meanwhile, I hear A Band Apart folded?

robodrug, June 22, 2006 at 1:04:28 PM CEST

Thats Capitalism!

moonman, June 22, 2006 at 5:18:04 PM CEST

first of all, the song is great second, the coreography would be marvelous, but it isn't, it is so boring third, it looks like the dirty video of christina aguilera but with less attitude it's a shame cos it is a great single

wayward, June 22, 2006 at 6:40:34 PM CEST

coulda sworn this was jake nava. has the same colour tints on her skin / photography / grade. she doesn't crawl on the floor though. i love it. it's great trash, like coyote ugly. and the story about the dog leading her into a club is stupid and brilliant. i'd love to make this kinda slick trash

milan, June 22, 2006 at 7:15:19 PM CEST

i have a feeling that nelly's had a large part in the visual direction and marketing for this latest album, which would explain the unacceptable videos.

framescourer, June 24, 2006 at 7:37:06 AM CEST

Embarrassing. Bad song, bad singing, bad video... & most infuriating, a 'concept' beginning which means you have to wait 1'25" for the thing to begin.

antneon, June 26, 2006 at 5:18:36 AM CEST

"Permiscous" was so catchy and the vid went well with the song. This is just a bore.


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