otc, July 11, 2006 at 9:56:56 PM CEST
The Firm - Phone Tap (Dir. Nick Quested)
toddyokoh, July 12, 2006 at 5:28:49 PM CEST
"Hey! Lets make a cop-caper gangster video!"
"Yeah, great idea! I love those!"
"Have you seen that Meg Tilly Gina Gershon movie about the lesbian lovers?"
No...what? Wait...what?
"Forget it, have you seen that Gene Hackman movie about the wiretapping guy?"
"Um..yeah a long time ago, but..."
"Ok but what about Tom Cruise in those Mission Impossible flicks! Those things are hot!"
"Hey, now, Tom Cruise is totally wack."
"Forget it.. Dude you KNOW Ice-T is on that cop show on network TV!"
"Oh yeah! Yeah!!!"
This is actually a pretty nice track with some super production value on the film end.,.. why is it so boring?