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Beyonce & Jay-Z - Deja Vu (Director: Sophie Muller)

Beyonce comes out with a new song and a music video for it, and based on my opinion, they will both be big hits. The video shows once again how great Beyonce's body is and how great she dances. Personally, I like it, because it's so simple (no explosions or special effects) and its directed by Sophie Muller (one of my favourite music video directors).

itsallgonnabreak, July 23, 2006 at 7:38:43 AM CEST

please dont post videos directly on page... it makes us download automatically...

just ptu a link so if people wanna see it they'll se it...

coady, July 23, 2006 at 7:56:26 AM CEST

I second that emotion in no uncertain terms.

progosk, July 23, 2006 at 6:03:49 PM CEST

is it just me, or is she being janet-jacksoned? apart from the faux-tribal jiggedy on the beach, that was... well: pizza. that's what it was.

kevathens, July 23, 2006 at 11:47:19 PM CEST

It's a weird vid. I like some of Beyonce's scenes and the photography and locations are lovely, but it feels like Jay-Z and Sophie Muller are somehow compromising, unless Sophie's going in a new direction.

yasmina, July 24, 2006 at 5:04:26 AM CEST

and this is how beyonce discovered her inner skank through jay-z... part II

kevathens, July 24, 2006 at 2:37:01 PM CEST

Apparently Beyonce digs Sophie - they just shot another video a couple days ago..

hassinator, July 24, 2006 at 4:19:57 PM CEST

I think it looks great - more feminine than Jake Nava's Crazy In Love but that's neither hear nor there.

I thought Jay-Z had retired?

30f, July 24, 2006 at 5:34:56 PM CEST

This feels VERY Nava-esque to me. This video is "Crazy in Love" re-shot in rural Louisiana with a slightly less good song behind it. The part with Jigga's verse echoes the back/side lit hallway from the Beyonce/Nava "Baby Boy" clip. The Josephine Baker dance bit was the best part, but was was with Miss B's super-open "surprise eyez" in the first half of the track? I thought it was gonna get all "Black Hole Sun" fo a minute. In my opinion, it is a good video and they clearly got a LOT of set-ups done, but nothing particularily fresh or evocative of the music.

spreech, July 24, 2006 at 8:14:19 PM CEST

the video is mediocre and the track is nothing.

mva, July 25, 2006 at 11:34:06 PM CEST

full of energy and style. i love it.

cherryicecreamsmile, July 26, 2006 at 5:44:16 PM CEST

the video looks nice, but the content is odd and not in a good way. some might even say it's disturbing:

progosk, July 26, 2006 at 7:33:08 PM CEST

fascinating read; great find cherryice.

"B) The dancing is erratic, confusing and alarming at times"

to think people complain about the tone of comments here on antville... get a load of this!

i'm starting to warm to this video...

spreech, July 31, 2006 at 9:06:32 PM CEST

QT 6:

shana, August 15, 2006 at 9:21:37 PM CEST

excellent song and excellent video (as usaul)

progosk, August 29, 2006 at 11:38:46 PM CEST

beyonce's dad replies to petitioners:

progosk, August 30, 2006 at 12:45:01 PM CEST

more beyonce grief

robodrug, August 30, 2006 at 5:15:52 PM CEST

This video has already been well n' truly diss'ed by my kids (big J-Z and Beyonce fans) they rolled over n laughed at the faux afro dance!

However to give the choreography its due. It does not sustain the terrible minds eye opinion I previously held on second viewing

She's not the greatest dancer though, is Beyonce 'n occupies the roughly the same shelf as JLo in that regard

Solo dancers R&B genre: Usher, Mya,

framescourer, August 30, 2006 at 6:13:31 PM CEST

Second 30f's this is Crazy In Love II

robodrug, August 30, 2006 at 7:21:33 PM CEST

Jus' clocked dat bit on 'Beyonce's dad replies' progosk, He's a wee bit paro int 'e That must've been wot my kids were banging on about but it jus' went in one ear n' out t'udder

Still to give the fans their due, when I think ov it, there are segments ov the vid that unkindly suggest Beyonce is about to compromise J-Zee in a Hugh Grant type situation

N' all dat legs akimbo stuff puts me in mind ov the Kenny Everett character 'Cupid Stunt' and "It's all done in the best PAH-SIBBLE taste!" punchline uttered as she swapped her crossed legs over in the most vigorous way possible


Kenny Everett Wiki.

robodrug, August 30, 2006 at 7:40:42 PM CEST

PS for those not familiar with english 'Cupid Stunt' is a word play U need to swap over the C and St in the couplet, to get the correct definition (The C word is rather frowned on these days)

kevathens, August 30, 2006 at 7:49:28 PM CEST

My friends typically call me Deepy Crude.

robodrug, August 30, 2006 at 9:32:04 PM CEST

Think I wud'da kept that under mi hat, meself Kev!


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