Velvet Teen "Radiapathy" (dir.: Mike Sloat)
mov here.
(might be ancient - just saw it thx to keith's Laser Disc Music.)
well... (classic tune, that, thx kev) for some reason the pyro feels like a post effect while some of the velvet teen looks in-camera. i'm likely wrong, though...
That's cuz of Tubb's shitty compression. Actually they were both completed in post (or somehow outside of the camera) - this video's simply more advanced technologically. Not in-camera though, by definition. (2 or more cams + software) Anyone know how Dayton/Faris did it?
great song, always wanted to see this. thanks.
I know mike on an acquaintance level. good guy. The video is kind of old. 2001-ish? No tricks involved. He just used multiple cameras. I want to say between 4-6. It was shot on miniDV (XL1 and GL1's). The reason why it looks good is b/c each miniDV clip is sized down, so the resolution jumps up. I know it took him 4 weeks full time to edit and composite everything together. I think it was AE and Premiere. Personally, I love this video most b/c of the song and the band. The song is incredible! Hope this helps.
ah. right. what, all just sort of roped/taped together, or was there a rig built?
presumably someone could cook up the whole thing in the edit nowadays - it just didn't look that way. thx inatre.
great video. very tight. excellent editing.