Adem 'Launch Yourself' - Dir Robert Chandler (QT 24mb)
Enjoyed it. Nice work.
Absolutely great work.
A wee bit long and monotonous. It would have been good to make a cut down of the song for the video. This could live for at least a minute and a half shorter.
Also, I find one too many literal refernces to the song, that always dampens things a bit. But it in the end the work is great.
I can only echo what is above, really nice work everything fits together Editing, Effects, Design to form a believable whole. Some of the Technical aspects are quite stunning for what looks like a relatively low budget piece. The roving camera POV looking out the spaceship window is fantastic and adds so much more dimension than if these had been locked off shots there is some quite sophisticated looking work here that is used to further the story/mood without drawing attention to itself. And conceptually I like it as a different way of telling the boy dumped by girl for different (better looking, more exciting)? boy who is initially bumbed then finds his own space again and moves on, story. (whew)