Les Rita Mitsouko - "Marcia Baila"
So very French...so very artsy-fartsy...so very 80'ies.
ERRATA CORRIGE jb mondino did their classic "c'est comme ça" www.youtube.com www.dailymotion.com while philippe gaultier did this one and their big hit: "andy" www.dailymotion.com www.youtube.com (the u2b is an english language remix) also: godard did a movie about them recording their record.
this one's actually a eulogy dedicated to their early show partner, the argentinian dancer marcia moretto, who died young of cancer.
arty farty or no , still nice
You're making my day with all this. I've got a new favourite band.
my fave tracks of theirs: "les histoires d'a."[mour finissent mal (en general)] and "nuit d'ivresse". their whole "the no comprendo" is amazing. godard's film about its recording is "soigne ta droite".
bollywood bonus vid: "le petit train" www.dailymotion.com
gondry ref's rita mitsouko ("one of my favourite bands") and their song "les histores d'a." in the salon interview (about the science of sleep) i mentioned.