The Helpers - Midnight Stare (dir. Avram Dodson)
A lurker humbly submits his own work for antvillagers' approval/disapproval.
love love loved it!
Nicely crafted vid, certainly goes along with the AAA crowd of videos, many of which are kinda stuck in the 90's, though that needn't be a bad thing. For a couple reasons this reminded me of PM Dawn "Paper Doll" and Sarah McLachlan "Possession (v.1)". Not 'cutting edge' though.
Nice energy. I like the srong colors. Is the band's performance live?
Thanks for the feedback. I cyber-hug you all. The performance was not live. Perhaps you suspect live-ness from because of the cables and such plugging in instruments. The band does not like videos where instruments are not plugged in. I think plugging them in adds a new layers of lies, and I have always loved lies. Coady, your website confuses and alarms me. But then again, so do cats.